Members of the Waikato Multicultural Council elected Dr Asad Mohsin to the post of President for 2010-2011 at their Annual General Meeting held in Hamilton on June 12.
Dr Mohsin is Associate Professor of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the Waikato University.
The Meeting also elected Ravinder Singh Powar and Dr Sayeeda Bano (Vice-Presidents), Suman Kapoor (Secretary), Abdirizak Abdi (Assistant Secretary) and Ajith Ratnayake Dr Anwar Ghani, Jeewan Mathews, Paramm Muttiah, Saifon Chairungruang and Zhu Xi (Committee Members).
Community Broadcasters Society
The Community Broadcasters Society in Hamilton have elected Suman Kapoor as its President for 2010-2011.
Among the other office-bearers are Bruce Scott (Vice-President), Tricia Hague-Blackford (Secretary), Gayl Lawrence de Boer (Treasurer) and Rebecca Liu (Member).
The first meeting of the Society for the current year will be held on July 3 at 5 pm at Celebrating Age Centre. Dr Manjula Ratnaweera will speak on Health for Humanity with a special reference to Diabetes and older people.
Editor’s Note: Spelling of names published here were as supplied.