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Hamilton honours Muslim with Civic Award

Zia Ahmad – Hamilton honours-Zia Ahmad Web

Dr Anisur Rahman, a veteran leader of the Muslim Community, was presented with the ‘Hamilton City Civic Award,’ one of the highest honours bestowed by the City.

The Award recognises people who had made a difference to the community with their outstanding contributions to the society.

His daughter Anjum Rahman and granddaughter Aaminah Ghani received the Award at a ceremony held in Hamilton on December 11, 2015 on behalf of Dr Rahman, who was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at that time.

Mustafa Farouk and Anwar Ghani represented the Waikato Muslim Association at the Ceremony.

City Veteran

India-born Dr Anisur Rahman has been living in Hamilton since 1972 when he joined AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, Hamilton as a research scientist having moved from Vancouver, Canada. He retired in 20156 from his position of Senior Scientist after an outstanding service spanning more than 43 years.

There were only a few Muslims residing in Hamilton in 1972. The first contact Dr Rahman made was with Mahmood Bhikoo, President of the New Zealand Muslim Association living in Auckland. Mr Bhikoo and his wife Fatima assisted him and his family to settle in Hamilton.

In 1973, he contacted Amin Farooqui who was living in nearby Putarura with his wife Hanifa, his father-in-law Hafizur Rahman and his family. This developed into a lifelong family friendship where the second generation children grew together.

With the arrival of international students at the Waikato University, congregational prayers were held at the residence of Dr Rahman during the early 1970s.

Juma prayers were established in 1975 at the same venue led by Dr Rahman.

Promoting Islam

In the same year, the Waikato Muslim Association was established informally.

It was officially registered in 1979 as the ‘Waikato-Bay of Plenty Muslim Association and joined the newly formed Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand (FIANZ).

In 1984, a three-bedroom villa on half-acre plot was purchased by the Association to function as an Islamic Centre, and facilitate regular prayers and Quranic classes.

Construction work for a purpose-built mosque in Hamilton started in May 1997 and it was formally opened in February 1998.

Arson attack

Hamilton honours- The Hamilton Mosque WebTragically in August 1998, the Mosque was gutted by arson and the Police never caught the culprits. However, this resulted in overwhelming sympathy and great support from the wider community in Hamilton. This helped in raising funds for rebuilding the Mosque within a year.

Today, Hamilton hosts a vibrant Muslim community living in peace with all residents engaged in daawah activities from Tabligh gatherings to interfaith meetings, women’s activities, hosting international conferences and providing Islamic education to all, in particular to the young generation.

Dr Anisur Rahman supported by his wife Qamar, their children Nadeem, Anjum and Shadia and their extended family have played a pioneering role in the development of the Muslim community in Hamilton.

Zia Ahmad is Managing Editor, Australasian Muslim Times based in Sydney. The above article and accompanying pictures have been reproduced here with his permission.

Photo :

  1. Dr Anisur Rahman with (from left) Anjum, Qamar, Nekhat and Nadeem Rahman
  2. The rebuilt Hamilton Mosque after the arson attack in 1998

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