The Holy Month of Ramadan is one of the most important and interesting periods in the Islamic Calendar. In many parts of the Islamic world, Muslims turn day into night and night into day during this period.
This is a time to realise the pinch of hunger and thirst, suffering and poverty and the pleasure of sharing and giving.
Ramadan is also the Month during which Muslims embrace people of all faiths and pledge to work with them for a world that is assured of peace, harmony, progress and prosperity.
We are confident that New Zealander Muslims will continue to preach and practice tolerance, respect other religions and most important of all, have a true sense of belonging to the country and its people.
We hope the contents of this Ramadan Special would be of interest to our readers. It was a pleasure to work on this Report.
We extend our sincere greetings to our advertisers, readers and well-wishers in New Zealand and rest of the world on the occasion of the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
The Indian Newslink team.