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Greetings from Us

This would be the last issue of Indian Newslink in 2010. Our next issue (January 15, 2011), will be published on or about January 17.

As we wish our advertisers, contributors, well-wishers and readers Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we thank all of you for your continued support and patronage.

The Year that is passing has been one of the worst for us as New Zealanders in recent memory. The South Island was rocked by the Christchurch Earthquake, Pike River Mine disaster, Fox Glacier plane crash, snowfalls and the Te Aroha Silver Fern Meat Processing Plant fire. Our heart goes out to the families, relatives, colleagues and friends who were immediately affected by these disasters. Fate, the cruel master, wasted the lives of many in their deaths, sinking families, communities and indeed the entire Nation into depths of despair and sorrow. No one deserved such brutality.

Elsewhere, family violence, death tools on our roads and crime in general was also on the rise, reminding us of the grim fact that we continue to live in an era of senselessness. It was as though the sufferings of people thrown out of jobs by the ongoing recession were not enough that Nature decided to unleash her anger!

Yet, there is always hope that the future will deliver us to higher levels of peace, progress and prosperity, no matter how hopeless things may seem.

And it is this hope that encourages us to look forward to the New Year!

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