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Greetings from Us

Christmas is a time to give, love and promote goodwill and understanding.

In the Western world including New Zealand, it is the beginning of the holiday season. Millions of New Zealanders, irrespective of their otherwise religious and social beliefs, would mark the occasion with gaiety and fun.

Christians would of course observe the birth of Christ with piety as well.

As streets and buildings wear a colourful look with decorations and lights, it would inaugurate a new era of hope; with hopes comes positive attitude and with positive attitude comes the urge to work, which in turn begets prosperity.

While frivolity, ignorance and indifference may prompt some to overlook the real significance of Christmas, a majority of people celebrate the festival in the true spirit of Jesus, Our Father, Our Saviour, unto whom we surrender.

Cultural plurality

One of the most outstanding aspects of New Zealand is its cosmopolitan approach to life, work and cultural plurality.

Over the years, hundreds of thousands of people of varying hue have settled down in this far away land, in the hope of improving their standard of living, providing better educational opportunity for their children and establishing their presence in a society that is considered safe and secure.

More, as a secular country, New Zealand welcomes and respects people of all faiths and religions, providing them equal opportunity to practice them here.

We offer our choicest greetings to our advertisers, readers, contributors and well-wishers and wish them Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Whatever the political issues and other problems rocking the country’s polity or economy, Christmas is a season for goodwill and friendship. People from all walks of life decide to become a little more human, showing concern for the fellow beings and fostering goodwill, kinship and universal brotherhood.

It is a time to give-love, gifts and understanding and a time to forgive.

The Indian Newslink team

Picture: Wikipedia

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