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Greetings from us

Indians perhaps understand independence and appreciate its value better than anyone else in the world; for, it was obtained after protracted struggle and the right to express is constantly practiced, even on empty stomach.

Such is the passion for individual liberty that for 68 years the country and its people have constantly battled forces of division and derision, intransigence and indifference and violence and vituperation.

They have done so with such scorn and contempt that people from other parts of the world (including those of Indian origin) are often baffled at the paradox and irony that form a part of the Indian psyche.

India has been a subject of debate and discussion for the past 68 years, for good and not so good reasons, for better or worse and in good faith and mistaken notion.

And in each of these debates and discussions, the ‘Indian element’ would be invariably conspicuous by its absence.

For, the Indian thought and action process is often an enigma to the outside world.

To a country of billion plus people, the day on which their leaders brought political freedom from alien rule, we say, “Congratulations! You richly deserved it.”

We have always believed that to be an Indian is unique and to be a New Zealander Indian is a privilege that is accorded to a chosen few.

Indian Newslink salutes the people of India on the occasion of India’s 68th Independence Day on August 15, 2015 and presents this Special Report with great pride and honour.

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