Government recognises Asia Network for service excellence

Gulshan Lawyer

Gulshan Lawyer

Auckland, July 28, 2021

                                     The TANI team (from left) Samuel Cho, Prethbotr Chan, Poonam, Kayomi Kuga, Lily Xu, Jian Chen, 
                                     Bushra Ibrahim, Vishal Rishi and (seated) Kimleang Nhoeuk (Photo Supplied)

The community-focused team at The Asia Network Inc (TANI) has much to be proud about, in the lead-up to the Organisation’s Twentieth Anniversary next year.

In recognition of the vital support provided by the Organisation during and beyond the critical period of the pandemic, the Northern Region Health Coordination Centre and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) presented TANI a ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ recently.

The team at TANI has been enthused by this acknowledgement but has no intention of resting on its laurels. Over the past few months, the team has continued to work closely with the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 vaccination rollout team to provide information on the vaccine programme to Asian communities across the Northern region.

Services to Asian Communities

Seeking to advocate and represent the voice of diverse Asian peoples, TANI has grown in its reach and range of services to the Asian communities in New Zealand.

This not-for-profit Organisation has collaborated with several government agencies, NGOs and providers to advocate for Asian health and to facilitate health programmes and activities that are culturally relevant to Asian communities.

TANI’s advocacy and experience in the area of public health services provided an opportunity for its function as a vital link between Asian communities and the Ministry of Health, Office of Ethnic Communities (now incorporated into the Ministry of Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities) and the DPMC during the various phases of the Covid- 19 pandemic.

TANI’s multi-lingual staff and service providers swung into action to rapidly translate and disseminate information on Covid-19 across a wide range of Asian languages through the evolving pandemic situation. Information regarding changes in alert levels and public health guidelines was provided in various languages including Mandarin, Cantonese, Burmese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Farsi, Tamil, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Sinhalese and Bengali.

About TANI

The Asian Network Inc is a pan-Asian community-based organisation, committed to working with ethnic communities including Asian migrants and former refugees and help them experience a better quality of life and wellbeing in New Zealand.

Through a variety of programmes, activities and information events, TANI assists members of Asian communities to live more independently and build confidence in accessing various health and wellbeing services.

Gulshan Lawyer is a Communications, Marketing and Stakeholder Relations Specialist. She lives in Auckland. This story has been sponsored by

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