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Give a little to rescue Akhil Choudhary from Lung Cancer

Akhil Choudhary: Another unfortunate victim of Lung Cancer (Stage Four)

Venkat Raman
Auckland, May 25, 2023

An avid Indian Newslink Reader and long-time friend Akhil Choudhary needs help.

And he needs it fast.

Mr Choudhary is suffering from Cancer (Stage Four) and must raise at least $110,000 for treatment.

Thus far, the Give A Little Page that has been set up for him has brought in less than $44,000.

We are sure that our readers can help in achieving the target.

A non-smoker, Mr Choudhary was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in January 2022, at which time, the deadly disease had advanced to Stage Three.

“I have been diagnosed with a rare genetically non-small cell Lung Cancer known as EGFR (Advanced Metastatic Cancer),” he said.

Mr Choudhary had undergone Lung Surgery in March 2022 at Auckland Hospital.

He said that after the first cycle of Chemotherapy, he developed severe complications resulting in the pause of Chemotherapy.

He was shocked to find in April this year that the cancer had advanced to Stage Four.

“I have been prescribed Tagrisso Osimertinib Tablet which is unfortunately not publicly funded in New Zealand. I do not have a private health insurance policy to cover the cost of the medication which is $110,000,” he said.

Mr Choudhary has created the Give A Little Page seeking public support.

“I wish to spend more time with my family and friends and with the wider community. I have been a proud New Zealander and serving the wider community for the last 20 years. This news has devastated me and my family and has impacted my life drastically. Your kind contribution of any amount towards this vital medication to fight this Stage 4 Cancer will be very highly appreciated and it will help me to survive,” he said.

Please click here for Akhil Choudhary  to donate.


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