Get to the World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem

Undertake a Land Tour of the Holy Land next month

Venkat Raman

If you believe in the power of prayer and can take some time off, you had better book your space at the World Prayer Convention scheduled be in Jerusalem from May 22 to 24, 2018.

The event will include speeches, prayers and ‘healing time.’

Dr Paul Dhinakaran of Tamil Nadu will deliver the keynote address and lead the Convention. Among the other speakers would be Pastor Benny Hinn, a popular Evangelist based in Israel.

Dr Dhinakaran said that the Lord has been impressing upon his heart to gather all His chosen people in Jerusalem for a time of Prophetic Prayer and Anointing.

Divine Intervention

“It is during this time that God wants to pour out His Prophetic anointing on all His Chosen ones to strengthen them and prepare them spiritually,” he said.

He said that among the highlights of the Convention would be a Special Prayer for the Peace of Israel and to declare the ‘Prophetic Word of God to all Nations.’

“This event will be like none other. Many Leading Speakers and Worship Leaders of Christian Ministries have consented to participate with us in prayer. We will also visit few of the Blessed and Anointed Prayer Sites around Jerusalem, including Jacob’s Rock, Shiloh, Ephrata’s River, Western Wall, Garden Tomb, Gethsemane and Mount of Olives, and plead the Lord to pour out His Spirit of Grace and Supplication in an overflowing measure,” Dr Dhinakaran said.

Israel Platinum Jubilee

The global event will also commemorate the Fifth Anniversary of the ‘Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower,’ which coincides with the 70th Anniversary of the State of Israel.

Jason Prasad, who leads the ‘Jesus Calls Prayer Tower’ in Auckland with his wife Sunila, said that the Israel Prayer Tower has been serving the people of Israel and the world.

“The Prayer Tower hosts Prayer Intercessors from all over the world who pray and prophesise round-the-clock for the peace of Israel and the World. This Prayer Tower, dedicated to the Lord, was established in August 2013, obeying the voice of God. The Lord has since enabled me to be able to pray and prophesy for Kings, Nations and people,” he said.

Global Ministry

Get to the World Prayer Convention-Poster WebDescribing the Global Ministry as unique, Mr Prasad said that as the Co-Founder, Dr Dhinakaran and his family bring solace, cure and peace of mind to people all over the world, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or socio-economic status.

“Among them are men, women, young people, children, the poor and needy, as well as all the partners and donors of the ministry. This happens through large Prayer Festivals or through Prayer Towers. As they pray for the needs of the people, God wipes away people’s tears and turns it into joy with his loving and healing presence,” Mr Prasad said.

Prayer Towers are a place of refuge to many around the world as the Jesus Calls intercessors cry out to God for the blessings and miracles on behalf of those who walk in, call or write their needs to the ministry.

Prayer Tower in Auckland

‘Jesus Calls,’ is a Ministry that attracts millions of people around the world to pray for someone in distress, not just out of physical ailment but out of mental agony, marital incompatibility, physical deficiencies, other problems, complaints and hopeless situations.

Hundreds of priests, prayer-leaders, volunteers and community workers engage themselves in prayer and community service, seeking God’s Mercy, almost always for people who they neither know nor met.

And almost always Prayer works. Believing is everything.

Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower started functioning on November 17, 2012. It is located at 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill and is open from Monday to Friday (9 am to 6 pm) to offer prayers for those who call or visit. After hour prayers are offered through at all times. Please call 0800-537872.

Healing Blessing Meetings are held every Tuesday from 7 pm at the Prayer Tower, with a different person ministering the Word of God each week.

Mr Prasad said that a team will represent ‘Jesus Calls New Zealand’ at the World Convention and participate in the accompanying tours.

For more information, please call him or Sunila on (09) 6207160; Mobile: 027-4772937; Email:; website:

Indian Newslink will publish more about the World Convention and Jesus Calls in the ensuing issues.



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