Christchurch, September 24, 2019

The Paranjape Family has been celebrating Ganesh Festival at their home in Christchurch since 2003. Every year, over 50 friends join for an evening for celebrations.
Like all such celebrations, there is a religious element, with simple vegetarian food, colourful clothes and lots of talking and fun.
But the celebrations here have two significant ‘departures’ from old traditions; one for a good cause, the other helping the environment.
Donation to Cancer Society

The Paranjapes ask their guests not to bring any offerings, including sweets, fruits and flowers. Instead, guests have the option of making a voluntary donation to the Cancer Society, in a box kept at the event.
At the end of the event, Paranjape family matches the sum total of guests’ donations.
Guests wholeheartedly support and appreciate this ‘departure’ from tradition, to help a worthy cause.
Same Idol every year
The other departure is that the family reuses the same Ganesh idol year on year.
Manik Paranjape said that they brought this alloyed metal idol from India for use every year; rather than using a clay or plaster of Paris idol which is conventionally immersed in water. She explained that this reuse helps the environment, and also that such a trend is gradually spreading in India too.
Ganpati Bappa may have been slightly surprised that home-made vegetarian pasta offered as a prasad one evening during the festival.
Shirish Paranjape is Christchurch Correspondent of Indian Newslink.