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Forum to highlight business potential in Malta

The commercial and investment opportunities available in Malta for foreign investors and those seeking joint ventures will be the highlight of a Business Forum scheduled to be held next month.

The Consulate of Malta and Malta Enterprise, an agency responsible for promoting foreign investment and business development in Malta are organising the Forum at the office of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade (Level 11, ANZ Centre, 23 Albert Street, Auckland City) on November 29 at 5 pm.

Sydney based Malta Enterprise Regional Leader Jean Claude Ulhenhaut will host the Forum for the benefit of New Zealand investors.

Patricia Thake, Malta’s Honorary Consul in Auckland said a number of companies including Deloitte and Nimbus Lighting, will explain how their Malta operations provide them an easy entry into the markets of the European Union.

She said the Forum will be of interest to companies in the alternative energy, aviation, biotechnology and life sciences, financial services, ICT, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and tourism sectors.

“Malta is fast making global headlines as an industrious nation, enjoying excellent relations with neighbouring countries. The Forum aims to inform New Zealand companies of the trade, investment and business opportunities available in Malta,” Ms Thake said.

Malta Enterprise has listed on its website a number of advantages and incentives available for overseas investors.

“More than financial incentives, Malta offers a complete environment that is conducive to business. Its location in the Mediterranean, excellent air and shipping facilities, a highly-educated and skilled workforce, a proactive business environment and English as the business language have all made Malta a choice destination for foreign direct investment and international trade,” it said.

Further information can be obtained through email

Malta, the beautiful country. Picture by MTA/Clive Vella

Malta: Quick Facts

Area: 316 Sq Kms

Population: About 405,000

Language: Maltese and English

Religion: Roman Catholic

Currency: The Euro

GDP (PPP): $US 10.41 billion

GDP (Per Capita): $US 25,600

GDP Growth: 3.7%

Exports: $US 3.12 billion

Imports: $US 4.46 billion

External Debt: $US 5.97 billion

Source: CIA World Fact Book

(Figures are for 2010-Estimates)

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