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Fish forever under the Sun

The warm sunny days are here again and it is time to have a date with the Sea!

If you are lucky, you could return home with some of the largest and tastiest snappers and others that abound our waters.

But always remember to remain within the limits of safety and the rules and regulations governing fishing in the country.

Fishing should be fun, not a hassle.

You could go fishing in a group of ten of two but always check the weather before you start out to the sea, just as a couple of enthusiasts did last weekend.

Says a member of the group: “It was a calm day with variable southwesterly wind of ten knots. We went around the Waihike Island, past the Gunnet Rock and anchored.”

The fishing enthusiasts had to wait for a while before they could hook a few snappers and travelly.

“Following breakfast, we lowered our fishing lines and caught a few Kahawai and Barracudas. John Nath (pictured left) suddenly spotted a huge fish and tried to hook. He had a rough time and it was not until 30 minutes later that he had the prize catch.”

It was a Kingfish, weighing more than 15 kg!

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