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Festivities highlight culture and heritage

One of the major trends in New Zealand is the rapidly growing size, regularity and grandeur of ethnic and religious festivals.

Dr Rajen Prasad- Festivities highlight- Dr Rajen Prasad.JPGAll cultures are now empowered to give full expression to their most important festivals.

Whether it is Diwali, Navaratri, Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, Baisakhi or Lantern Festival, most New Zealand cities have several events celebrating each of them.

The other growing trend is the participation in these celebrations of all New Zealanders.

This is the real benefit of public celebrations. They promote understanding as well as participation. The sharing of art, culture, religion and cuisine provide shortcuts to appreciation and harmony without having to travel far.

An added advantage is that most of these are family events and inexpensively available.

Diwali would have greater significance for me this year, given the controversy around Paul Henry’s questioning of ‘Who is a New Zealander?

We have someway to go as New Zealanders to really appreciate what each of our cultures has to offer New Zealand. Because we are here to stay, to provide the best environment for our children and grand children and to become a meaningful part of New Zealand, we need to take up as many opportunities as possible to share what is important to us with all New Zealanders.

Let the Diwali message be heard in every part of New Zealand.

Let the anniversary of the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after 14 years in exile be celebrated with all the splendour we are capable of mustering.

Let the triumph of good over evil, a universal message, be heard in all our communities.

Let us take this opportunity to mark the fact that we are New Zealanders and we want to enjoy our festivals with everyone, just as we enjoy and participate in everyone else’s festival.

Let the light from the many diyas brighten the pathway to understanding, harmony and peace.

Let the message that we see our futures linked to New Zealand’s future be visible in our celebrations and that we are already participating in making New Zealand a greater society.

I encourage all readers to invite those who have never experienced Diwali to your homes so that they too can enjoy the special festivities that are familiar to us at this time.

Diwali is one of the most important festivals in the Hindu calendar.

It is a time of renewal, of forgiveness, exchanging gifts and for families to be together.

This is also a time for new beginnings.

As we express our generosity towards each other, I hope New Zealand Indians will introduce as many others to our festivals as possible.

This has been a difficult few weeks for the New Zealand Indian community.

We should celebrate in the realisation that most New Zealanders see us as good citizens, making a valuable contribution to New Zealand.

The unhelpful comments by a few cannot dampen our spirit because we have endured much in getting here and setting up our homes to give our children the best New Zealand has to offer.

In return, we have committed ourselves to New Zealand.

Our future is here. Our contributions will be made here. Our grandchildren will grow up here.

I wish all our readers a very Happy Diwali and hope that the New Year will bring success, and happiness.

I look forward to the time when Diwali will be celebrated more traditionally with diyas and lights outside every home, with fireworks and great rejoicing.

We do have something special to offer New Zealand.

Dr Rajen Prasad is Member of Parliament on Labour Party List and its Associate Ethnic Affairs Spokesman. The above article is exclusive to Indian Newslink ©

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