Venkat Raman
Posted from Ellerslie Events Centre
Auckland, October 4, 2019.

The need to curb family violence and improve victim support and raise social conscience are among the issues central to an event being held in Auckland.
Gandhi Nivas is hosting a well-attended dinner to raise funds for its activities and to impress upon communities to get together to curb this rising social menace.
Suffering women
Tusha Penny, Wellington bases Assistant Police Commissioner (Operations) cited a number of cases of victimised women who have suffered physical, mental and psychological violence perpetrated by male members of families.
“There are cases of young people including a woman who suffered rape by her father from the time she was seven years of age, of a woman who was in a hospital with her children saying, “I want it to be over.”
‘Privilege’ was the theme of her speech.
“So many people live and suffer in silence. Those of us privileged should help to end such suffering. We probably need 40 houses (like Gandhi Nivas) rather than 40 women lying on their kitchen floor crying as victims of family violence,” she said.

Entertainment & Auction
The evening’s entertainment is by Saints Performing Arts Trust, which aims to build courage and self-confidence among children and young people in the community.
Teenagers from the Trust rendered songs reflecting the mission and vision.
Dr David Bodyre, Lead Primary Care Psychiatrist in East Tamaki discussed about the psychological effects of Family harm with Rachel Smalley.
TV Personality Rachel Smalley is the Master of Ceremonies.

The Auction segment to be conducted by former Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy.
Priyanca Radhakrishnan is the only Member of Parliament present at this Programme.
About Gandhi Nivas
Gandhi Nivas is a partnership between Serenity Foundation, Counties Manukau Police and Sahaayta Counselling and Social Support. The partnership was established in 2014, using a Lotteries Commission grant and receives on-going funding from Total Healthcare PHO and other private funders.

The Concept
The concept grew from discussions between Counties Manukau Police and their South Asian Police Advisory Board with the objective of providing early intervention and prevention services to people identified as at the risk of committing family violence to help them change their behaviour, reduce the likelihood of further family harm and increase safety for families.
As at September 30, 2019, about 2130 men and their families have been helped.
The joint efforts of the Police, Sahaayta Counselling Services and the support of ACC have made this Programme an exemplar in dealing with early intervention in family harm.
I am honoured to be a Founder-Member of the Governance Board of Gandhi Nivas.