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Expo presents career opportunities for youth

New Zealand Career Expo provides starters to explore prospects (Photo Supplied)

Praneeta Mahajan
Hamilton, June 12, 2023

New Zealand Careers Expo, Whakaaturanga Mahi Tūturu Aotearoa, which is currently taking place in Hamilton at the Globox Arena (earlier known as the Claudelands Event Centre), will be brimming with exhibitors as it helps students and the community to network and learn about potential future pathways.

For over 30 years, the New Zealand Career Expo has been a way for students to explore their career pathways, and to talk to training institutions and employers in a relaxed, no-pressure environment.

This year, an estimated 4000 visitors are expected to visit Hamilton and an equally impressive turnout is expected for the Auckland event as well.

A platform to explore

A two-day event with more than 300 exhibitors across seven venues across the country, covering a range of vocational sectors, universities, businesses and professional training providers, the students and young minds can explore the options available based on their interests and align their career goals with suitable training.

Lwindi Ellis, the spokesperson for the expo said, “We have built on the strong foundation for connecting with young people that the expo has developed over the past three decades. What the New Zealand Careers Expo now offers is a multi-platform experience which combines the seven physical events with a superb online presence, adding more rich layers and opportunities for engagement with school leavers.”

“This extended offering is an evolution to what the country’s top career expo needs to be now and into the future. It offers multiple touchpoints for businesses and organisations to showcase their jobs and training opportunities to more school leavers.”

Many parents as well as teachers are often unsure about suggesting possible pathways based on student’s interests. The Career Expo can be a great way for them to meet industry experts, get all the required details, and discuss their plans to gain a better perspective.

A line-up of career opportunities in Hamilton (INL Image)

Challenges and opportunities

Thousands of young New Zealanders will complete their secondary education later this year.

Mark Gillard, New Zealand Careers Expo Director told Indian Newslink that, “With the impact of COVID-19 on the employment and training environment the New Zealand Careers Expo is needed now more than ever. Considering career options can be daunting, and our youth need to know what prospects and pathways are on offer.”

He added that “The New Zealand Careers Expo wants to let young people know there are still many opportunities available to them and support them on their journey into the world of work”.

Event this year

The event saw a good turnout on the first day of the event, with many students as young as 12 years exploring the various study and work options available. One area of study which saw added interest was the Bachelor of Software Design- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Game Programming and Gaming Design programme, offered by the Media Design School based in Auckland.

Many students were also keen to seek details about the New Zealand Armed Forces. With extensive literature available on site about the career prospects and officers from Army, Navy and the Airforce available to answer all questions for the youth and their whanau, it was a busy corner for the event.

The University of Waikato also showcased the variety of courses it has on offer, from Management to Engineering, from Arts to Innovation lead programmes along with the details of career prospects of these courses.

Sarah, one of the guides at the University of Waikato stall said, “We are so happy to be on the ground and interact with so many young people at once. The energy is palpable as they enquire about their areas of interest and find their best-suited career option.”

The second day of the expo has seen buses from schools in Hamilton, Te Awamutu and other regions of Waikato, with eager young minds ready to explore a future of possibilities.

Another crowd-puller was the Activation Zone at the ‘Go with Tourism’ exhibit space. Go with Tourism has received funding from the New Zealand Government to grow our Tourism & Hospitality workforce. The team was seen actively working with jobseekers, students and parents to talk about workforce opportunities, break down negative career perceptions and welcome new talent in the tourism industry.

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink reporter based in Hamilton.

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