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Expert to advise AUT on eHealth

For Web-Expert to advise- Anil ThapliyalAn expert on mental health and delivery of efficient services through online technology has been appointed Adjunct Professor to the Auckland University of Technology (AUT).

Anil Thapliyal, a friend and promoter of Indian Newslink for more than ten years, will play a crucial role in advising those connected with the AUT Centre for eHealth, with a sharpened focus on implementation of eHealth tools.

He said that there was immense potential in the burgeoning eHealth field, in facilitating health advances and boosting the economy, by taking New Zealand’s innovation in technology and implementation overseas.

New Zealand benefits

“New Zealand’s intellectual property in eHealth stands to benefit the country at large. With effective implementation, these eHealth ventures have the potential to support the health and wellbeing of our communities while delivering significant export revenue,” he said.

With a background as a practicing counsellor in the Mental Health & Addictions field, and experience in public and private sector leadership roles, Professor Thapliyal is skilled in delivering tangible outcomes by bridging the gaps between science, policy and practice.

He has been instrumental in the design, development and implementation of diverse Ministry of Health e-initiatives in New Zealand, and has led flagship projects in Australia, Canada and the USA.

Global initiatives

As Chief Executive of eHealth Consultancy HealthTRx, Professor Thapliyal is currently championing behavioural health initiatives in primary care with Medtech Global Limited, while serving on the Ministry of Health’s Advisory Group for the National Depression Initiative and Chairing the e-Mental Health Working Group (part of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership.)

AUT Dean of Health and Environmental Sciences Professor Max Abbott said, “There is huge potential to advance health through eHealth, but much needs to be done to make this happen. The Centre for eHealth was established to act as a catalyst in this regard, and Anil’s input will be extremely valuable.”

Bonus to readers

Professor Thapliyal has been instrumental to bring issues relating to mental health to Indian Newslink readers, encouraging international experts based in the United Kingdom to share their thoughts and experiences. His connectivity with the London based Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation‐International Foundation (Careif) has been central to quality articles with case studies and analyses available to our growing readership.

He is also a supporter of the Indian Newslink Sir Anand Satyanand Lecture and the Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards.

Photo : Adjunct Professor Anil Thapliyal

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