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Wellington, June 19, 2017
Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Jacqui Dean has today announced the appointment of Elizabeth Longworth to the Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
Following is her statement:
I am pleased to confirm Ms Longworth’s appointment to the FMA for a term of three years. Ms Longworth brings to the FMA strong international policy and regulatory experience, as well as valuable governance and legal experience.
I would like to acknowledge and thank outgoing board member Shelley Cave. Ms Cave has been a member since 2011 and has provided invaluable legal and regulatory expertise to the Board.
The Financial Markets Authority is New Zealand’s financial market regulator.
Its main objective is to promote and facilitate the development of fair, efficient, and transparent financial markets.
Experienced lawyer and Counsel
Elizabeth is a lawyer with over 20 years legal experience, including being Inhouse Counsel at the Reserve Bank between 1987-88, and a sector director at Industry New Zealand, (now New Zealand Trade and Enterprise) between 2001-03.
Since 2003, she has held a number of senior leadership positions in the United Nations including executive director, UNESCO (United Nations Organisation for Education, Culture, Sciences and Communication), Paris.
From 2012-14 Elizabeth was the director of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), Geneva.
Governance roles
Elizabeth has held a range of governance roles, including chair of the interagency United Nations High Level Programme Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience; member of the International Olympic Committee Commission on Education and Culture; chair of the International Experts Committee that produced the UN Recommendation on Access to Cyberspace; independent chair of the ESR Ethics Committee and Telecommunications Number Administration Body.