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Every bag of tea holds a ribbon  

Mere Naleba

The Fiji Cancer Society hopes to raise more funds in ‘Bushells Fiji’s Biggest Morning Tea 2015’ than it did during last year’s annual fundraiser event.

During the launch ceremony held on September 9, 2015, Mary Muir from the Fiji Cancer Society said that the organisation collected F$50,000 in 2014, indicating the great commitment from corporate houses and individuals.

Great supporter

Motibhai Group of Companies Marketing and Business Development Manager Abraham Gomes said that the event was quite popular as it helped raise funds to allow the Society to carry out awareness programmes and help cancer patients.

The Motibhai Group of Companies has been supporting the event since 2006.

“We all know a lot of people are diagnosed with different types of cancer and with the support from the Fiji Cancer Society, it will reflect an act of encouragement to those who are diagnosed. We hope this little contribution from everyone will be a big reward to a patient’s life,” Mr Gomes said.

Raising awareness

He said that there was a need to increase awareness activities and outreach work in communities. This would allow people to understand cancer better which could lead to early detection of the illness.

“We cannot live without hope; we cannot live with the fear of failure, but together with our hearts and desires, we can strive for a cancer-free Fiji. Let us work together and help the Fiji Cancer Society achieve its target in fighting against cancer,” Mr Gomes said.

The photograph here shows Motibhai Group of Companies Director Rajesh Patel (left) and Mary Muir display a replica teapot to launch the Bushells Fiji’s Biggest Morning Tea drive in Suva on September 9, 2015. Behind them are Motibhai Group of Companies Marketing and Business Development Manager Abraham Gomes and Belinda Chan (Photo by Jone Luvenitoga).

Mere Naleba is a Reporter at ‘The Fiji Times,’ which published the above in its September 10, 2015 issue.

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