Pastor Moses Singh
Auckland, August 18, 2017
Indian Christian Life Centre (ICLC) is organising a community event focusing on helping marriages on Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 8/23 Springs Road, East Tamaki.
This is a non-religious event with very practical information to apply to everyday marriage life and it is open and free for all.
Watch the Trailer:
Would you like to Invest into your marriage?
We invite to a day of laughter and teaching on strengthening your marriage relationship with your spouse.
The dynamics of relationship
Mark Gungor, one of the most sought-out speakers on love and marriage, explores the underlying dynamics of male/female relationships, combing striking clarity and practical solutions to common relationship woes.
Mark’s humour makes his teaching enjoyable, effective and memorable, helping husbands and wives remember these insights and immediately put them to work.
Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage DVD captures all the fun and facts of Mark Gungor’s view on life, love, and marriage.
Facts of life
You will experience all the facts and side-splitting fun of Mark’s look at life, love and marriage including:
The Tale of Two Brains (Session 1-73 min, Session 2-55 min) – laugh till you hurt as Mark explains what he calls “the laws of relational physics” – how men and women are wired differently and why.
Why Does He/She Do That? (45 min) – through a tool called the Flag Page, Mark is able to show husbands and wives a new way to discover what makes their spouse tick.
The #1 Key to Incredible Sex (Session 1-39 min, Session 2-35 min) – this is it…the “yo mama” session you’ve been waiting for. Mark goes through the five steps couples need to know to experience incredible, mind blowing, married sex…don’t miss it!
How to Stay Married and Not Kill Anyone (35 min)- through this session, viewers will discover the power of forgiveness in their marriage…or what Mark likes to call, “The Reset Button.”
Pastor Moses Singh and his wife Alice are Senior Pastors at the Indian Christian Life Centre, 8/23 Springs Road, East Tamaki, Manukau. Email: Web:
Photo Caption:
Senior Pastors Moses and Alice Singh
(Picture supplied)