Celebrate Diwali but follow Alert Level regulations

Sergeant Gurpreet Arora
Auckland, October 4, 2021
Counties Manukau Police would like to wish Happy Diwali to the Indian community.
It is a festival of lights and an occasion to celebrate with your loved ones.
While we celebrate Diwali, there are families who can be overwhelmed by the societal and financial pressure created at this time.
I wish to remind that Family violence is not Ok, Reach out and seek help.
For Police emergencies, contact 111 and non-emergency contact 105.
If you know a family or friend experiencing family violence and wish to report but do not wish to reveal your identity then you can report anonymously on Crime Stoppers 0800- 555111. You can also contact one of many ethnic service providers in the community who can help you and guide you.
Follow guidelines please
I also wish to remind everyone those celebrating Diwali to adhere to Covid guidelines please and not jeopardise the safety of your loved ones.
Under the current alert level in Auckland you are not allowed to invite people from outside your bubble into your homes and gatherings outdoors are limited to two bubbles and up to 10 people.
We want to discourage gatherings that breach the rules due to people celebrating Diwali.
Finally, enjoy, have fun and if you are leaving your house, ensure you secure your home prior to leaving.
Happy Diwali.
Sergeant Gurpreet Arora is Family Harm Partnership Liaison Officer at Whangaia Nga Pa Harakeke, Counties Manukau based in South Auckland.