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Drink if you must but safety comes first

Auckland Central City remains a relatively safe place to visit as per international standards, notwithstanding which, visitors can take a number of precautions to minimise the likelihood of becoming involved in any difficulty, particularly during the peak entertainment hours of Wednesday through Saturday nights.

Auckland City Central has a very active nightlife, resulting from the 24/7 liquor licensing regime. Particularly after midnight in the latter part of the week, the City gets very busy with large numbers of people attracted by the bars and clubs.

Whilst there is a high presence of Police, it is best to take care if you plan to visit the City during these hours.

The key messages of which people should be aware are as follows:

If you are coming into the City to enjoy the entertainment that it offers, take particular care not to drink excessively. Police experience shows that intoxicated people are more likely to become victims of crime than people who are sober.

If you are drinking, stay together with friends who are able to take care of you.

Do not leave your belongings unattended in any place, particularly inside licensed premises or other entertainment venues.

Never leave valuables in an unattended vehicle; secure valuables in your hotel room or accommodation before going out.

Be aware of your surroundings and take care when you are carrying money or other valuables in public.

Have a plan to get back to your accommodation at the end of a night out. Stick to the main entertainment areas which tend to be well lit and well populated.

Be aware that many Central City areas are subject to liquor bans, which prevent drinking in public places.

You could be arrested if found to be breaching a liquor ban.

If faced with a situation where you fear for your safety, dial 111 for emergency contact with the Police.

Andrew Coster is Area Commander (Auckland Central) at the Auckland City Police.

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