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Devotees to mark birthday of Brahmarishi Guruvanand on Sunday

Venkat Raman
Auckland, January 8, 2020

Brahmarishi Guruvanand (INL File Photo)

Million of devotees of Vishvasant Brahmarishi Guruvanand all over the world will celebrate his 79th birthday on Sunday, January 12, 2020.

In Auckland, a special session of Bhajans and speeches will be held at Bhartiya Mandir located at 252 Balmoral Road in Balmoral from 430 pm.

World Spiritual Forum New Zealand, a charitable trust is organising the event that is open to all, irrespective of their religious proclivities or otherwise, since Brahmarishi and his teachings encompass all of humanity.

His towering personality, captivating smile and friendly disposition are all factors that endear people from far and near, and thousands throng his sprawling Ashram in Ramachandrapuram in Lower Tirupathi in Andhra Pradesh. Many charities and Ashrams are run in his name across the Continents, striving to propagate his teachings.

Invoking human goodness

His sheer presence invokes the innate goodness in men and women, while his speeches rekindle the spirit of introspection leading to self-realisation. A personal interview is a blessing.

According to him, happiness is a state of the mind and hence can be enjoyed by all- here and now, as he says often. He also believes in the even distribution of wealth, because everything on earth belongs to everyone here.

“In the spirit of humanity, it is the moral and social responsibility of every being to return a fraction of all that he has been bestowed with by the Almighty to the ones who are less fortunate than himself,” he said in one of his speeches in Auckland four years ago.

Unbinding faith

Brahmarishi does not promote any religious faith, although the divinity of Hinduism manifests in his electric self and his ability to transcend time and control the body energies to achieve communion with the Supreme.

“Religion is not a binding force. Rather, it frees us from all bondages of deeds or Karma. Saints and Gurus should not promote any cult or religion but show the correct path of life to ensure a smooth and successful transition from the materialistic world and rise to the feet of the Almighty,” he said.

Those close to Brahmarishi says that the great Guru continues to perform severe penances and often slips away to ‘another, inexplicable world, only to emerge stronger and younger.’

Questions for Self-Realisation

Spiritual Masters like Gurudev have the ability to penetrate the toughest of hearts and ask human beings to face the ultimate questions: Who am I? Am I superior to another because of material wealth, because I occupy a mansion, the corridors of power and dictate others to follow? And when it all ends, do I have a special place, where there could be the same privileged position of dominance?

The fact that life on earth is transient should make us humble because everything that we call as our own becomes someone else’s possession, until that person passes on- in this endless cycle of ownership and succession, nothing belongs to anyone forever.

About the Brahmarishi

Born in Delhi, the 79-year-old spiritual leader had an outstanding academic career with a B Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Karagpur (a premier institution), a graduate Honours degrees in Physics, a postgraduate degree in Sanskrit and a doctorate (PhD) in Astrology.

A Master of the Four Vedas, a linguist and a symbol of resplendence, Gurudev will bring together people of all vicissitudes in Auckland.

As he says often, “In the tapestry of life, weave a story that is so inspiring and so meaningful that posterity can say with pride that you were indeed the heir of the ‘Santana Dharma,’ the eternal Dharma of the great Masters of the past. Your thoughts and actions today are indelible links that connect the great shining past and the glorious future unfolding of the Divine Life, of which you are an integral part.”

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