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Vic Crone
Auckland, September 1, 2016
I propose a smart system of transport initiatives to get Auckland moving.
My proposal includes bringing forward six key projects across Auckland within Council’s 10-year plan, advancing a second harbour crossing with public transport, measures making it easier to use public transport, and a big focus on smart and future systems.
My approach to everything I undertake is based on the big picture system. Auckland deserves, and is in desperate need of, a smart and integrated transport network.
I have done my research and found these six transport projects across Auckland that must be brought forward. We need them desperately now and I can’t believe how far out they have been pushed.
In addition to that, a second Harbour crossing is an absolute key transport priority for me as Mayor. North of the bridge, Auckland’s population is forecast to grow by 130,000 from 2013 to 2033. That bridge is yet it’s at gridlock morning and night, and when a car breaks down it virtually shuts down much of the motorway network in all directions.
My policy has a big focus on integrated transport solutions, bringing in future technology, traffic sensors and big data to get roads and public transport moving more smoothly.
There is also a strong appetite from the private sector to build park and rides and trial smart feeder services. This is exactly the approach we need – if someone can do it faster, better and cheaper, and we can retain oversight, why not?
This is the kind of leadership Auckland can expect from me. There is a clear choice to avoid three more years of the same. That is to choose a strong, savvy leader of tomorrow.
Vic Crone is a candidate for Auckland Mayoralty.