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Crime surge becomes an undeniable reality with multiple instances

Crime surge becomes a regular concern with people witnessing disturbing instances frequently

Praneeta Mahajan
Hamilton, April 28, 2023

Incidents being reported across regions, and an increased frequency of their occurrence, has propelled the conversations around rising retail crimes and the changing perspective of the public at large around these crimes and an urgent need for solutions for the greater well-being of society.

Shots fired at Police

Police have arrested two men after an incident in Hamilton East, where shots were fired at Police. At 12.15 am on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, officers responded to a report of an attempted vehicle theft on Beaumont Street.  A vehicle of interest was located and allegedly failed to stop when signalled.

Officers successfully spiked the car and monitored it as it continued driving. While a Police car followed the vehicle at a distance, a firearm was discharged on two occasions.

Two rounds of ammunition hit the patrol car, but thankfully the officers were not injured. There was minor damage to the Police vehicle. The vehicle of interest was located on Matangi Road at about 12.30 am, and a shotgun was recovered.  Two men, ages 18 and 22, were arrested a short time later.

They face charges of dangerous driving, failing to stop, using a firearm against a law enforcement officer, and unlawful possession of a firearm. Waikato Crime Investigations Manager Detective Inspector Graham Pitkethley said it was a positive outcome to a concerning incident.

“Fast action and quick thinking by Police officers allowed us to apprehend two suspects, without anyone being injured. Offenders who attempt to evade Police put themselves and others at risk of harm.  Any incident where a firearm is discharged at Police is of serious concern.”

Detective Inspector Pitkethley praised the caller who first reported the suspicious behaviour to the Police. “It allowed our officers to respond quickly and apprehend those allegedly involved. This is a good example of why it is essential to report any suspicious activity to the Police as soon as possible, as what may seem minor can lead to more serious offending.”

Vape Store ram raid

Thieves crashed their way into a vape store on Hamilton’s main street. They ram raided a Subaru Forester through the front door of ‘Vice Vape’ on Victoria St at around 5.20 am on Wednesday, 26 April 2023.

A police spokesperson said an unknown number of people entered the store and took items before fleeing the scene. Enquiries are ongoing to locate the people responsible.

The shop owner was visibly upset when he said, “I just cannot believe the utopia we came to 16 years ago to what it is now. It is a free-for-all, this is worse than South Africa. I had a business in South Africa where I was not subjected to this type of carnage.”

The shop has CCTV, and a metal grill gate, but it did not prevent the shop from being destroyed. “Our Manukau store has been hit through the roof, through the front door, cash stolen, and messed the whole shop up with crowbars and axes. Our Te Rapa store came with axes, like a 1.2-metre axe smashing like they were chopping firewood. And what do they get away with? Very little about the damage they caused.”

He said their insurance premiums have now doubled because of the crime and expect them to go up further after this latest claim. The shops are the family’s livelihood and they cannot sell, or close them without dramatic financial consequences.

Michael Hill Centre place heist on Anzac Day (Image Supplied)

Anzac Day Heist

Less than a week after one Michael Hill store in Hamilton was robbed, a second jewellery store in the city has been smashed-up and broken into on Anzac Day (Tuesday, 25 April 2023)  morning in Hamilton.

The glass doors at the front of Michael Hill at Centre Place Mall in central Hamilton were shattered in a ram raid. The store has seen such incidents in the past as well.

Police are investigating the burglary, that happened shortly before 9.30 am, a spokesperson said. “Police are following lines of enquiry to identify and locate the offenders.” This comes as police apprehended five youths following a jewellery store robbery in Taupō on Monday.

Taupō Robbery

According to the statement issued by the Police, they were first alerted to a ram-raid-style burglary in Putāruru, which is approximately one hour drive from Taupō. After this, the four alleged offenders travelled to Taupō, smashed displays, and threatened store occupants at a jewellery store. A fog cannon was deployed, and the offenders left the scene in a vehicle.

Officers located the vehicle in Atiamuri, where the alleged offenders damaged a police vehicle as they fled the scene. The vehicle was spiked on State Highway 30, near Rotorua, and five people were taken into custody. They all face charges in the Youth Court.

Bay of Plenty District Commander Superintendent Tim Anderson said the arrests were made within 24 hours of the incident happening. “I am proud of how hard our staff are working and their level of expertise when it comes to taking these offenders off the streets. These results should reassure the community and business owners that we have no tolerance for this type of offending.”

Arrests Made by Police

As per reports, Twelve youths have been arrested in the Rotorua and Tāupo areas after three separate robberies and a ram-raid in the area last week while Waikato Police announced they made ten arrests last week about recent burglaries, predominantly in Huntly and Te Kauwhata areas.

In addition to those, The Waikato Police Tactical Crime Unit has also arrested four young people for recent ram raid-style burglaries in Hamilton. Police executed search warrants at various Hamilton addresses yesterday, 27 April 2023.

Four youths, aged between 14 years old and 18 years old, were taken into custody. Several stolen items were recovered, including vape products taken from Victoria Street on April 26.

“Staff acted with urgency, identifying the offenders believed to be involved,” said Detective Senior Sergeant Terri Wilson. “This resulted in some of the stolen property being recovered and the offenders being held accountable.” All four youths are scheduled to appear in Hamilton Youth Couth on Friday morning, charged with burglary and unlawfully taking a motor vehicle.

The cost of crime

While crime has a financial setback for retailers in the form of lost business, loss of goods, damage to premises, rise in insurance and the mental agony of working in fear, it is prudent for us as a society to weigh its impact on the public at large. Young children who witness ram raids, older citizens who are put in harm’s way for simply being near a place of crime, a lack of security, and need for prompt action to guarantee that these offenders are not viewed as invincible. The general gloom around most of the conversations that Indian Newslink had with more than 20 retailers had a common theme, “Why are the authorities not sending out a stronger message of zero tolerance for frequent crime?”

Praneeta Mahajan is an Indian Newslink reporter based in Hamilton.

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