Sydney, September 3, 2019
The countdown has begun for Sangam International Convention in Sydney.
Hosted by the New South Wales Sangam, former Vice-President Vishwa Goundar was elected to lead the new team to revive the tradition of Conventions, following the Annual General Meeting of the Association held in November 2018.
Major Worldwide Event
Sangam International Convention is a major event on the Committee’s calendar, for which a Sports Committee was established to lead the preparations.
Vice-Presidents Sachin Kamal and Ravin Naidu took over the posts of Convention Organising Committee and Sports Committee Chairmen respectively.
Both leaders successfully liaised with various Soccer teams locally, nationally and internationally and are satisfied with the response from the teams.
NSW Mathar Sangam President Latika Devi and her Netball Liaison Officer Vishal Sagar have ensured that females will figure prominently at the 2019 Convention.
Both Netball officials have commented that they are pleased with the number of teams in this year’s Convention and are confident the interest in netball will grow.
Soccer and Netball coordinators welcome queries from individual players who may wish to be placed in a team.
The Convention Programme
The Convention Programme includes Golf Tournament on Sunday, October 6, 2019 at Camden Lakeside Golf Club. The organisers have also included Billiard Championship a week before the Convention (September 26 to 28, 2019) at Fiji Cultural Centre in Liverpool.
The Programme will commence on the evening of Friday, October 4, 2019, with Round One of Pool matches for local Soccer teams.
Soccer and Netball Competition will be the highlight for the following two days at Bringelly Park. Official Opening Ceremony will be held from 10 am to 1045 am on Saturday October 5, 2019. All sports teams (Soccer and Netball) are expected to take part in the Parade at the official Opening Ceremony.
TISI Sangam National President Sada Naicker will be among the Chief Guests.
The Convention will conclude with a Cultural Night on Sunday, October 6, 2019 at Villawood Senior Citizens Centre located at 29, Villawood Road, Villawood.
Steve Gopal has been entrusted with the responsibilities for the evening’s Programme, which will include presentation of trophies and awards.
Follywood (Fiji’s South Indian Raja) and locally trained Bollywood dancers will be among the performers at this Programme.