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Auckland, July 9, 2019

The Local Government New Zealand Annual General Meeting voted on Monday, July 8, 2019 joining the growing call for a ban on the sale and private use of fireworks.
The vote adopted a remit presented by Auckland Council by a majority of 64%.
Councillor Cathy Casey, who has advanced the issue through Auckland Council was thrilled at the decision.
“The bottom line is that fireworks cause significant harm and distress to people and animals and result in unwanted fires, significant property damage and unnecessary pressure on our emergency services. The adoption of this remit gives hope to all who suffer as a result of careless or malicious fireworks use,” she said.
Sale of fireworks is currently regulated by the Hazardous Substances and Noxious Organisms Act. To make any changes will require action by the Central Government. Support from other councils through LGNZ sends the message that change is needed on a nationwide basis.
Safety on priority
“There is a role for Councils to provide safe, inclusive public events. We will still be able to enjoy displays of fireworks at well managed events which bring people together to celebrate the diversity of Aotearoa,” Ms Casey said.
The remit was seconded by Mayor David Ayers of Waimakariri District Council who said that the vote reflected public opinion.
“We, as a mixed rural-urban district are particularly concerned about the animal welfare issues associated with the uncontrolled use of fireworks,” he said.
Councillor Casey described the vote as a call from local body politicians from across the country that the harm caused by fireworks must stop.
“I am looking forward to seeing central government come to the party and put a ban in place,” she said.