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Cookbook in aid of Children’s Home

New Zealand Tertiary College (NZTC) is placing on sale copies of a Cookbook, the proceeds from which will go to ‘Jagriti Children’s Home’ in Delhi.

Chief Executive Selena Fox said ‘Jagriti’ is a safe haven for orphaned and abandoned young girls from the impoverished areas of the Indian Capital.

“Girls are especially vulnerable in a slum environment and are often victims of abuse. ‘Jagriti Children’s Home’ offers hope for the future of these girls by providing a safe, loving family home and access to education,” she said.

It is understood that Maureen Fitzgerald, a member of the College staff suggested sale of the Cookbook titled, Recipes of Hope containing a range of recipes collected from staff, students and friends.

It will be retailed at $20, of which $15 will go to ‘Jagriti.’

NZTC established a formal relationship with the home while setting up a campus in India. The college provides qualifications in Early Childhood Education.

Ms Fox said she visits ‘Jagriti’ while in India.

“We are privileged to be able to support a charity which is aligned with our College mission of caring for and educating young children.”

For further details call (09) 5204000. Email:

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