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Wellington, April 30, 2021

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has opened consultation on proposals for regulations to support the Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components and Other Matters) Amendment Bill.
MBIE Building Policy Manager Amy Moorhead said that the Ministry is preparing for some of the biggest changes to building laws in a number of years.
Major changes coming
“We are now asking for feedback on detailed proposals for regulations in three key areas. MBIE has developed proposed details of the new voluntary modular component manufacturer scheme, which will make the consenting process easier for some manufacturers of homes which are built offsite. We want to find out whether we have got the right balance between providing assurance to consumers that modular components have been well-built and ensuring there is a cost-effective pathway for manufacturers to be certified,” she said.
Ms Moorhead said that MBIE has also developed proposed details to ensure basic information about building products and their uses are made publicly available.
The discussion process
“We are interested in finding out what information would be practical and useful, how this information should be shared, and who should be responsible for providing it. Requiring the right kind of information will help homeowners, builders and designers choose the correct products and install them appropriately,” she said.
MBIE is also seeking feedback on the details for strengthening the product certification scheme (CodeMark), to improve confidence in the scheme and ensure innovative building products and methods will comply with the Building Code.
First phase of reforms
Ms Moorhead said that the Ministry is keen to hear from the construction sector and all New Zealanders about what should be included in the details of these new and improved schemes.
“The Bill, currently before the House, is the first phase of a suite of reforms to the Building Act which will see a more efficient building system, a lift in the quality of building work, and fairer outcomes for all. The first phase focuses on building products, building methods and putting in place systems and processes to speed up consenting for new and innovative ways of building. We are seeking feedback now so that we are in a position to make the regulations quickly and efficiently to support this Bill once it is passed by Parliament,” she said.
Source: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The above story has been sponsored by