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Condolence Mass for Wenceslaus Anthony

At Catholic Church of Christ, the King

260 Richardson Road, Mt Roskill

Wednesday, August 23 at 7 pm

Venkat Raman (Indian Newslink)

It has now been confirmed that Catholic Church of Christ the King, located at 260 Richardson Road, Mt Roskill will be the venue for the Condolence Mass for Wenceslaus Anthony.

The Mass will commence at 7 pm and is open to people of all ethnic groups and faiths in the true life and spirit of the man who was adored by so many.

Wenceslaus Anthony passed away at Apollo Hospital in Chennai on Sunday, July 23, 2017, as soon as a priest completed the final Prayer and Blessings. He lost his three-day battle for life and left for His Heavenly Abode, at the behest of the Lord to whom he had surrendered himself even as a child.

He was about two months short of 60 years; we had planned a celebration on September 28, 2017, the day of his birth.

He left behind his wife Susan, daughter Sneha, son Akash and thousands of mourners across the continents. God must have decided that he should be transferred to another place, which he deserved. This world bore him from September 28, 1957 and lost him 59 plus years later.

About Wenceslaus Anthony

A man born to serve humanity, and be a source of love, endearment and support to hundreds of people throughout the world, Wenceslaus Anthony was one of a kind. A man who fulfilled every promise that he made, was a devout Catholic and sat beside the deathbed of a few in New Zealand, Australia and India – people who were seriously ill and aware of their last days. It is unfortunate that his own end came without much warning and this writer, who shared some moments of his day, every day over the past 18 years in New Zealand, could not be with him.

It was small comfort that his loving wife Susan, their children Sneha and Akash, his siblings and members of the family were near him when God reached out and took him away.

Beyond those 18 years, I have learnt of his care for the needy and the ready help that he rendered even during his years at Loyola Institute of Business Administration of Loyola College, Chennai from its Founder and Director (now retired) Father Casimir Raj SJ, Catholic Magazine ‘New Leader’ Editor Father M A Joe Antony, and his fellow students my wife Uma and Prince Kumar. Knowing a man of compassion with a heart filled with love was a pleasure and losing him so suddenly has been a misery, coming out of which is proving to be difficult.

Mother Teresa Interfaith Meeting

Catholic Church of Christ the King is the place of worship where the Annual Mother Teresa Interfaith Meeting is held since its inception in 2010 (except last year when it was held at St Paul’s College in Ponsonby).

It is our desire at the Mother Teresa Interfaith Committee to continue the initiative of Mr Anthony. Accordingly, this year’s meeting will be held on November 26, 2017 with Merrill J Fernando, Chairman, MJF Group which makes and markets Dilmah Tea, will be the Guest Speaker. Details of this meeting will be announced shortly.

Mr Fernando will also be a Guest Speaker at the Tenth Annual Indian Newslink Indian Business Awards to be held on Monday, November 27, 2017 at Sky City Convention Centre, more information of which will be published in November.

He was a lively member of the Indian Newslink family too and was the Chairman of the Indian Newslink Community Fund, which he established last year as an important avenue to help people in distress. He was a regular writer on business, community and religious matters. We will publish his articles from time to time, as a way of our tribute to a truly great man; more than that a dear brother.


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