Notwithstanding the ferocity of competition that is characteristic of the insurance market, companies that offer quality products backed by personalised and timely service will continue to grow, says an insurance professional.
South Auckland based NZ Life Insurance Services Limited Managing Director (and qualified Insurance Adviser) Krishan Sharma said that a well-established and service driven company should have the ability to cope with the evolving trends in the market.
“We face the same challenges as other insurance companies but we have been able to attract and retain our niche in the market. As an authorised insurance adviser, our professional calibre is often considered to be an important asset. We interact closely with the Indian community in Auckland,” he said.
Extensive products
Established in 2009, NZ Life Insurance Services has grown in expertise to offer sound advice and appropriate insurance solutions covering a wide range of insurance areas including risk management, income protection, trauma and fire and general insurance.
“Our primary motivation is to protect the future financial wellbeing of clients in their domestic and professional lives. We understand their needs and provide appropriate solutions. We help our clients to achieve their financial goals so that they are financially secure. They have the freedom to live the lifestyle of their choice. Our highly qualified and motivated members of staff are geared to help our clients achieve their objectives,” Mr Sharma said.
He said that he and his firm work closely with the Indian community, supporting several social, cultural and religious initiatives.
Portfolio Management
Mr Sharma said that his Company manages portfolios of its clients and provide them with simple and easy methods of keeping track of their financial priorities.
“We offer a wide range of insurance services covering Income, Life, Mortgage Repayment, Premium, Private Medical and Trauma. Each of these offers choice, which accrues them benefits. We assess the requirements of our clients and suggest the best to meet their needs,” he said.
Income Cover for instance, provides monthly income during periods when policyholders are unable to earn income, relieving them of their monthly financial obligations and helping them concentrate on recovery.
“Those who have a mortgage may not always have the resources to cover their loan repayments in the event of an interruption to their income for any reason. Our Mortgage Repayment Insurance takes care of repayments during such contingencies, while our Premium Cover provides a financial safety net should clients suffer total or partial disability, lasting longer than the chosen waiting period. The monthly benefit is designed to relieve them of the financial responsibility of paying them policy premium during treatment and recovery,” Mr Sharma said.
For more details, please contact 0800-777338 or 021-515501 Email:
Photo : Krishan Sharma