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Common destiny binds Newspaper-Radio Partnership

Venkat Raman – common-destiny-binds-robert-khan-web

New Zealand must be the only country in the democratic world witnessing unhealthy competition among the members of the India media.

Far from cooperation and coordination to offer the best reading, listening and watching material to readers, listeners and viewers, there is much dissipation of energy in undermining each other’s interests and promoting unethical marketing practices. In the end, no one gains, not the least the customer, who stays confused.

Against such a scenario of ‘hit and run,’ and attempt to take over the market with unrealistic advertising rates, Indian Newslink has been privileged to engage in constructive partnership with Radio Tarana, a station that has set high standards of business ethics and practices.

Closer Working Relationship

From organising events, dinners, opinion pools and surveys, the two organisations work as each other’s extension not only to offer the best to our customers but also enable staff to share each other’s expertise. Thus, for instance, during the recent visit of Prime Minister John Key to India, the two of us- this reporter and Sanjesh Narayan of Radio Tarana worked together to ensure that our audiences received quality information and news and developments.

Ratio Tarana Managing Director Robert Khan says that while healthy competition is good for everyone concerned, cut-throat efforts benefit no one- not even the person with the razor.

“It is a pity that many do not understand the responsibility that a media house entails. We have a duty towards our community, society and the country and at no time there should be a compromise on our principles. It is perhaps our penchant for quality, integrity and transparency that has cemented the Radio Tarana-Indian Newslink partnership. On behalf of my team, I offer our best wishes and compliments to everyone at Indian Newslink. We look forward to even closer relationship in the years to come; we believe in working towards the benefit of all stakeholders,” he said.

Pitching to score

According to him, it is always easy for someone to imitate, plagiarise and replicate a successful enterprise.

“That has been the case with Radio Tarana and Indian Newslink, the first and foremost newspaper of the Indian community in New Zealand. I have always believed in fair and healthy competition, because it sets the pitch for every player to score; but unfortunately, it is never so; there is always someone to queer the pitch and lower standards and income.

“But the tough will always get going, no matter how tough the going gets. That has been the secret of our success – that of Radio Tarana and Indian Newslink.

“I look back the 21 years of my journey with Radio Tarana with a sense of pride, satisfaction and fulfilment. Start-up of a new venture is almost always wrought with the proverbial paucity of finance, with no one, least of all commercial banks, willing to help. The stakes are high and no one wants to underwrite the risk.

“This radio station was built on teamwork and cooperative spirit. No one is conscious of the fact that it is a sole-proprietorship, owner-managed company. Each of us (that includes me) has a target to achieve with a focus on one most important factor: our customers,” he said.

Outstanding Award

This is a special year for Radio Tarana, for, apart from completing 21 years of broadcasting, the company moved to a new, state-of-the-art facility closer to Eden Terrace and other mainstream media with which it works.

On May 20, 2016, Mr Khan won a special award for Outstanding Contribution to Radio at the Annual Radio New Zealand Awards held at the Auckland War Memorial Museum. He was recognised for ‘his exceptional contribution to Radio in New Zealand.’

There were no finalists for the Award and hence the winner had no clue.

Galaxy of broadcasters

Mr Khan was the first ethnic broadcaster to earn this honour. He joined the ranks of many other veteran broadcasters including Sir Paul Holmes, Leighton Smith, Murray Deaker, Kim Hill, Brent Impey and Sussan Turner.

The Citation said, “This award recognises a broadcaster who has made the sort of impact that influences and enhances the way we broadcast and operate as broadcasters.”

Mr Khan received his Award from Media Works Radio Chief Executive Officer Wendy Palmer with Jono (of Ben and Jono fame) as the host.

Receiving the Award, Mr Khan spoke about his journey and the challenges that he continues to face in keeping Independent Radio alive in New Zealand.

Pillars of strength

“I attribute this Award to the members of my team at Radio Tarana who are committed to high standards of professionalism, customer service and offering the best to the communities we serve. I am also grateful to my wife Prakashni, who is a pillar of strength and our children who keep me grounded and my parents for their unconditional support and inspiration,” he said.

Describing the Indian community as ‘A part of the Award,’ he said that Radio is constantly evolving and that Tarana always embraced change.

“There will always be one Tarana brand and it will always be inimitable,” he said.

“The world of Radio may appear glamorous for the onlooker but it calls for alacrity, elegant presentation and excellent communication skills. News stories are constantly developing and they are always heard first on the Radio. It is amazing how this medium has come to be on its own. The ability to instantly go on air to inform the world is what makes us unique in the media industry,” Mr Khan said.

The Captain

The Tarana team is made up of people with varying talent, approach to life, vicissitudes and a thousand other things that constitute a family. Among them are specialists in local and international politics, current affairs, community issues, music, production, sales, scheduling and accounts; there are a few who are adept in all of these. Harnessing these resources to the benefit of all is a task at which Managing Director Robert Khan is a master. How he fosters the family spirit and leads the team to deliver the best is in itself a story but as it is often said, ‘everything fits into place if you have a clear vision and know what to do.’

Mr Khan is a man of the corporate world, in every sense of the term. He combines in him the acumen to succeed in an industry that does not always play fair, a sense of purpose to meet strategic goals and qualities of leadership that see every member of his growing team satisfied and well set on the path to career advancement.

He expects nothing less than high standards and quality of input, from himself and his staff; which explains the status of Radio Tarana today.

Film stars and celebrities have a huge fan following in every society and the Indian community is no exception. Radio Tarana is arguably the only station in the South Pacific region to have the voices of almost every major film star – from Amitabh Bachchan to the newest actor – they greet and at times entertain our listeners.

Radio Tarana is a ‘We’ station – there is no scope for ‘I’ here; we work, debate, improve, improvise and deliver as a team. Each of us has areas of responsibilities, targets and tasks. We share credits as a team, while as the Managing Director, I accept the blame for lapses and shortcomings,” Mr Khan said.

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