Efeso Collins
Auckland, August 11, 2022
August 12 is International Youth Day and in anticipation of this special occasion, I am releasing my plans for young Aucklanders.
The theme for this year’s international youth day is to leave no one behind, and so it is appropriate for me to release my plans for our rangatahi in Tamaki Makarau Auckland – as that theme is very much at the heart of how I will lead the Auckland Council.
At the centre of my policies for our Rangatahi/ youth is the aim to build a more inclusive Council where the voice of rangatahi is treasured and valued when shaping the city and its future.
Covid-19 has presented significant challenges for Council and rangatahi voices are instrumental to the recovery phase. The Council needs to increase civic participation and education amongst rangatahi and more importantly foster young leadership that will drive transformational change.

Tataki Auckland Unlimited
Among a raft of proposals, I will establish a Youth Governing Board where young people can develop their leadership skills and gain insight into the governance and operations of the Auckland Council. I will ensure that Tātaki Auckland Unlimited and Auckland Council’s Community and Social Innovation unit implement meaningful strategies that boost the youth economy by ensuring 16-24-year-olds are effectively guided into sustainable employment, training, innovation and entrepreneurship and away from sunset industries.
Central to my decision to run for mayor was the desire to see a better city passed on to my children and their peers, so it is essential that young people’s voices are heard. We must also ensure that we are doing everything possible as a Council to engage young people in education, employment or training and provide quality programmes and facilities.
August 12 is also the last day for voters to enrol so that they can get their ballot papers mailed to voters by September 18 (with October 7 being the last day voters to enrol and vote on special voting papers). Therefore, I want to use this opportunity to encourage young people to have their say, regardless of their politics.
The Right to Vote
Our right to vote has been secured by the hard work of so many before us, including passionate young people who wanted to be included in the decisions shaping their future. We owe it to ourselves and those who fought for our voting rights to make sure we exercise our voices and get involved in elections, whether it is just through voting or supporting a political campaign.
Therefore, please celebrate this special day by getting enrolled to vote.
Efeso Collins is a candidate for Auckland Mayoralty in the upcoming local government elections.