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Charity comes first for Rotarians

The Rotary Club of Auckland Harbourside is organising a Diwali Dinner in aid of two major charity projects in New Zealand and Fiji.

The programme, scheduled to be held on October 29, 2011 at Alexandra Park in Greenlane will include a sumptuous menu of Indian cuisine and a cultural programme covering traditional and modern India.

The Rotarians call the evening a celebration of ‘Indian New Year,’ indicating the start of the New Year for some communities in India.

Rotary Harbourside Incoming President Shefali Mehta said that the Club would donate proceeds of the programme to St John’s Ambulance and the Foundation for the Education of Needy Children (FENC) Fiji Trust.

The Trust envisages sustained improvement to the lives of children in Fiji. The emerging trends indicate the inability of parents and guardians to provide the support of bare necessities for children to pursue meaningful education.

“We are excited about this event, which will not only celebrate an important Indian festival and provide entertainment for all but also help mobilise financial resources to two important charitable projects,” Mrs Mehta said.

She said tickets, priced at $75 per person can be obtained from Joyti Singh, who can be contacted on 021-549965 Email:

Ms Mehta can be contacted on 021-941181.

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