Immigration Special

New Zealand losing face over export education

In my previous article titled, ‘International students challenge local job seekers’ (Indian Newslink, August 15, 2014), I wrote about the need for foreign students wishing

Two legal experts keen to meet you

Kenton Chambers Lawyers prides itself of respectable relationship with Immigration New Zealand (INZ), high success rate in providing immigration services, high quality service and professionalism,

Immigration Special

Employee Rights embrace all workers

I want to make it absolutely clear that I will not tolerate any exploitation of migrants. Migrant workers with similar skills and experience to their

Erring couple sentenced

The Manukau Magistrate District court sentenced on Wednesday, September 10, a couple to 60 hours community work for falsely registering the birth of a child

Qualified migrants go on fast track

New immigration family policies will help New Zealand attract and retain skilled migrants, and ensure that their family members can settle well and are self-sufficient.

Industrious Indians would welcome the change

Policy changes introduced by the National Government last month favour migrants who are able to demonstrate financial ability to support their parents. They also favour

Nine-year old child faces unjust deportation

Hemani Mall is one of hundreds of New Zealand citizen-children facing the prospect of being deported because one or both parents are overstayers. Hemani is

Changes enhance Indian core values

I support the National-led Government’s important work in immigration policy as it fits well with the core values of the Indian community. Immigration helps to

Unfair immigration policy hits common people

New Zealand’s ethnic and migrant communities are anguished and disappointed over the Government’s sudden policy changes. Immigration Minister Nathan Guy announced the changes, giving applicants

Two-tier system could prove beneficial

The recent changes to the Family category announced by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has created a lot of waves. A large number of people have

Immigration Special

Ethnic businesses foster economic strength

Businesses owned and operated by ethnic communities and by immigrants are significant to economy recovery and growth in the export sector, a leading banker said

Immigration Special

‘Loss of gravity’ balances family category

Shivani Arora and her husband Kuldeep have lived in New Zealand for more than ten years. They are now successful business people and have raised

Immigration Special

Indian couple jailed for fraud in London

An Indian couple has been jailed in Britain for involvement in an immigration scam and to assist people in their illegal overstay in the country,

Research focuses on Asian migrants

A research project pursued by University of Otago would be useful for policy initiatives, demographic analysis, studies on social behaviour and for businesses to align

Sikhs challenge policy changes in court

Immigration Minister Nathan Guy confirmed the changes to Immigration New Zealand’s policies for the family category on May 10, 2012. Among the changes made to

New rules target better migrant settlement

In announcing the changes (see details elsewhere in this Special Report), the Government hopes to attract and retain skilled migrants and ensure that family migrants

Additional fee lifts visa cost in India

While residents in India could enjoy a more efficient system of visa processing, they are now obliged to pay an additional fee to a specialist

Additional fee lifts visa cost in India

While residents in India could enjoy a more efficient system of visa processing, they are now obliged to pay an additional fee to a specialist

Overstayers warned against scammers

Information circulates from time to time within the Pacific and other ethnic communities and through the news media about people’s (particularly overstayers) ability to “purchase”

Overstayers warned against scammers

Information circulates from time to time within the Pacific and other ethnic communities and through the news media about people’s (particularly overstayers) ability to “purchase”

Fraud victims assured of justice

Overstayers caught in visa scams can seek justice through the Immigration Advisers Authority. Reports are received in complete confidence. Overstayers need not be afraid. We

Fraud victims assured of justice

Overstayers caught in visa scams can seek justice through the Immigration Advisers Authority. Reports are received in complete confidence. Overstayers need not be afraid. We

Demand for skilled labour persists

The Essential Skills Policy of Immigration New Zealand (INZ) allows foreign nationals who have a job offer in New Zealand to apply for a work

Demand for skilled labour persists

The Essential Skills Policy of Immigration New Zealand (INZ) allows foreign nationals who have a job offer in New Zealand to apply for a work

New migrants face deportation

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is considering deporting four Fiji Indians who gained residence on the basis of bogus job offers. The instigators of the offending,

New migrants face deportation

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is considering deporting four Fiji Indians who gained residence on the basis of bogus job offers. The instigators of the offending,

Indian Newslink

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