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Eid Al Fitr

Eid Al Fitr

Eden Park brings together communities

A number of organisations got together at Eden Park on Sunday, August 19, 2012 to mark the first day of Eid Al Fitr. Called, ‘Auckland

Eid Al Fitr

Islam fosters better environment

Caring for the environment is an Islamic virtue, and with this in mind, local Muslims have adopted a stretch of riverside near Auckland Zoo. Members

Eid Al Fitr

A month that youngsters want forever

“I love Ramadan, because it brings daddy home early,” says eight-year-old Latifa Mahmood, who goes to an independent school in New Zealand. She said it

Focus on the future ambassadors of Islam

I extend my warmest greetings to every one of you on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr. Eid Mubarak, Kullo Aamin Wa-Antum Be-Khair, Eid Wanaagsan,

Eid Al Fitr

Greetings from Us

Muslims living in various parts of the world will observe daylight Eid Al Fitr on or about August 20, 2012, following the end of the

Eid Al Fitr

Fellowship marks Eid festivities

Eid Ul Fitr marks the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan and gives Muslims a day to celebrate a great achievement, which they make

Significance of two festivals in Islam

Zakatul Fitr Anas, a companion of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him), reported that when the Prophet migrated from Makkah to Madinah, the people of

The spirit of Ramadan at London 2012

More than 3000 Muslim athletes competed at the London Olympics in the midst of Ramadan, the Holy Month in which followers fast from sunrise to

Eid Al Fitr

Modesty overrules ostentation in Islam

May Allah bless us all and grant that we use this Eid as a lens to focus on the good deeds, which have shone brightly

Voluntary charity spells true human trait

In the earlier history of Islam, ‘Zakah’ was discussed while using the word Sadaqah. Even the Zakah collector and distributor was called ‘Musaddiq.’ But Sadaqah

Eid Al Fitr

Ahmadiyyas dedicate new Mosque to humanity

Mosque, a Muslim place of worship, is called, ‘Masjid’ in Islamic terminology. The word ‘Masjid’ means a place where believers prostrate as part of worship

Eid Al Fitr

Eid evokes the spirit of share and care

One of the most important characteristics of Islam is its egalitarian approach to life, although sadly some countries and regions have compromised this glorious dictate

Eid Al Fitr

Festivities foster community spirit

Able Muslims fast during the entire month of Ramadan, primarily to gain piety (“O Believers! Fasting has been made obligatory upon you; so that you

Eid Al Fitr

A fountain of knowledge for all humanity

The Holy month of Ramadan is a joyous occasion for many Muslims who make the effort to recite the entire Holy Quran through these four

Eid Al Fitr

Detractors disparage true Islamic values

Despite being the world’s most egalitarian form of life and religion, Islam is perhaps the most misunderstood and misinterpreted faith, leading to confusion and consternation

Eid Al Fitr

Terrorism has no place in any society

Terrorists and those supporting them have no place in any society and they should be banished and brought to justice, a prominent Islamic Scholar has

Eid Al Fitr

Interfaith dialogue generates goodwill

It is fast impacting the world economically, politically, socially and religiously, leading to chaos, hatred and violence. Therefore, the need for dialogue between religions is

Eid Al Fitr

Bleak Eid for flood victims in Pakistan

A year ago, Pakistan faced the worst flooding in living memory. The Indus River burst its banks swamping an area the size of the UK.

Eid Al Fitr

True happiness is a journey, not destination

Happiness has remained an elusive concept over the centuries. Philosophers, religious scholars, sociologists and academicians have tried to define happiness, with some regarding it as

Fatwa on Terrorism: Factsheet

Islam is a religion founded upon the principle of peace, love and harmony and most Muslims oppose and condemn terrorism. The global atrocities committed by

Muslims celebrate Eid Al Fitr with piety

Muslims have a rich history of celebrating festivals, each of which is a combination of religious and social factors and on such a score, Eid

An occasion to spread the human faith

The spirit of a religious festival manifests itself in fostering the goodness of mankind, in promoting understanding and in the fact that men, women and

Greetings from Us

The Holy Month of Ramadan is one of the most important and interesting periods in the Islamic Calendar. In their world, Muslims turn day into

Spare a thought for the flood victims

Eid Al Fitr occurs this year at a time when millions of people in Pakistan are coping with some of the worst flooding ever seen

Eid underscores our pluralistic society

It is a privilege and an honour for me to extend Eid Greetings through Indian Newslink to Muslims and the wider community of New Zealand.

Indian Newslink


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