Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Innovative spirit lifts the degree of success

I have been the ‘Challenger up against the big guys,’ for much of my career. Originally from Dunfermline, Scotland, I have worked in the telecommunications

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Hate attacks have no place here

If New Zealanders are keen that peace should be the norm in other countries, they must first establish and promote peace at home in the

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Vayalar Ravi for Awards Ceremony

We are happy to announce that Vayalar Ravi, Member of India’s Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Parliament) and former Federal Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs,

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Home-grown democracy works better than templates

How do you encourage backpedalling from dictatorial control? First, having a good election is important but putting more emphasis on the other essential elements is

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Murder accused surprise community

The arrest of the wife of a murdered man and her co-accused has become a subject of gossip and discussion in the community. Amandeep Kaur

Another Top (Up) service from BNZ

Vodafone and 2degrees customers will find that staying connected is about to become even easier, and most importantly; instant. The latest capability added to BNZ’s

Fate rolls the dice on hapless migrants

The immigration process is sometimes a box-ticking exercise and ruthless. Given such a stance, we forget that there are higher stacks at play and that

False registration gives birth to trouble

The Manukau District Court will sentence a South Auckland couple on September 10 on proven charges of falsely registering a child as their own. They

Paedophile goes in for ten months

A Te Kuiti man caught with pictures of children being sexually abused has been sentenced to ten months imprisonment. Sickness beneficiary Daniel James Parry (35)

Fraud takes pair to prison

The Auckland District Court sentenced on Friday, August 22 Gregory Alan Arnott (51) and Mark James Whelan (41) on a number of theft and false

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Ethnic plurality enhances National values

New Zealand has over 200 ethnicities – more than the number of countries in the world – and a quarter of our population was born

Time to think National, not petty politics

Politics is rather turbulent right now, with allegations flying, questions being asked and Media circuses around the country. Sadly the people that lose out from

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Party puts New Zealand First in good faith

It is a great pleasure and privilege to stand for Parliament in Christchurch Central for NZ First party at a very crucial time as Christchurch

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Election Writ issued

Governor General Lt Gen Sir Jerry Mateparae signed the Writ to conduct the General Election on September 20, 2014. The Writ, issued on August 20,

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Youth power energises democratic process

A young woman of Indian origin has appealed to the members of the community to exercise their franchise in the general election due to be

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Good policies make good common sense

The policies and principles of New Zealand First aim to ensure that all New Zealanders including New Zealanders of Indian origin have a fair go.

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Fiji may return to Pacific Islands Forum

Fiji’s Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama said that if his Fiji First Party wins the general election (due to be held on September 17,

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Fiji may return to Pacific Islands Forum

Fiji’s Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama said that if his Fiji First Party wins the general election (due to be held on September 17,

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Election Supervisor should not breach neutrality

It is abundantly clear that Elections Supervisor Mohammed Saneem is defying the functions and powers of the Electoral Commission, especially the fundamental fact that the

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Fijian strikes platinum

Retirement is for people who cannot cope with age and for those who like to slip into passivity but for men like Magan Dahya, ‘R’

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Small businesses need incentives to grow

Running a small business is not easy, and people are telling me that it is getting harder. When I looked into the figures, I discovered

Changing times challenge traditional banking

A new PricewaterhouseCoopers Report suggests that by 2030 New Zealand could exist without banks of the traditional kind. The Report, ‘The Future Shape of Banking,’

Taiwanese Food Delegation due in Auckland

New Zealand’s Food importers will have an opportunity to consider a vast variety of food stuffs from Taiwan as a trade delegation visits Auckland later

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Accounting system goes beyond Book-keeping

When an accountant tells you ‘I will do your accounts,’ what does that actually mean? Basically, in terms of a small business, what most accountants

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Indian wines pouring into our market

The perfect wine match for curry is a step closer now that a Hamilton man is importing Indian vino. Sandeep Mathur is starting with Indian

Sept 1, 2014 Issue

Minimum wage extends minimal help

With four in ten poor children living in families where mum or dad is in work, raising the minimum wage is an intuitive response to

Indian Newslink

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