Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Pakistan should lift its game in Cricket

Pakistan and New Zealand played their Second Test Match in Wellington from January 15 to 19, 2011 at the Basin Reserve Stadium in Wellington. After

Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Nasinu looks for flying colours

The Nasinu Soccer Club, with its distinctive Cyan Blue and Purple colours, is confident of coming out in flying hues at the ensuing Fiji Soccer

Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Backline Boys at frontline Soccer

Tavua is the one of the oldest and most successful soccer teams associated with the NZ Fiji AFC. A group of soccer enthusiasts who migrated

Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Mangere acquires a new landmark Stadium

As Auckland Mayor Len Brown participated in the opening ceremony of the new Clubhouse and Pavilion at Centre Park in Mangere on February 12, it

Healthy competition promotes good Soccer

Bula and welcome to the inaugural Radio Apna Fiji Cup 2011 at the Mangere Centre Park in Auckland. The Mangere Centre Park Sports Association is

Teams eager to lift soccer quality

Suva Soccer Team Established in 1928, Suva Soccer is one of the oldest District Club in Fiji. The Team has participated in all major events

Fan Clubs exalt Soccer kinship

The rising number of people evincing interest has demonstrated the fact that Fijians in general and Indo-Fijians in particular love to play or watch a

A great event that deserves public support

While the opening of the $2 million Stadium with modern facilities at Centre Park in Mangere (Auckland) will undoubtedly herald a new chapter in Soccer,

Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Kava session leads to a spirited team

An informal Kava drinking session that brought together six friends in 1990, set the tune for a Soccer Club, which today looks forward to winning

Radio Apna 990 Fiji Cup

Nasinu looks for flying colours

The Nasinu Soccer Club, with its distinctive Cyan Blue and Purple colours, is confident of coming out in flying hues at the ensuing Fiji Soccer

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