Canterbury Punjabis honour community heroes

Shirish Paranjape

Shirish Paranjape

Christchurch, March 22, 2024

Leader of the Opposition Chris Hipkins (Standing, Centre) with other MPs and guests and Award Winners at the Canterbury Punjabi Association
Awards Night in Christchurch on Mary 16, 2024 Photo by Christchurch Punjabi Association (JK Images)

The first Kiwi Indian Excellence Awards event was held in Christchurch on Saturday 16 March 2024 at the Miles Group Lounge, Hagley Oval.

Organised by the Canterbury Punjabi Association, the event was attended by Indian community leaders from Christchurch and beyond and guests, including Leader of the Opposition Chris Hipkins, Members of Parliament Dr Megan Woods, Priyanca Radhakrishnan (Labour), Matt Doocey, Dr Hamish Campbell (National) and Dr Parmjeet Parmar (ACT) Mayors Phil Mauger (Christchurch), Dan Gordon (Waimakariri) and Sam Broughton (Selwyn).

The Awards ceremony was interspersed with live cultural performances and speeches by dignitaries. 

The event started with a solo kathak dance rendition by Charu Chutani.

The first award to be presented was the Rising Star Award, given to the Canterbury Indian Tamil Association by Phil Mauger.

Mr Hipkins presented the Legendary Community Award to the Indian Social and Cultural Club, Christchurch.

Mr Doocey presented the Business Tycoon Award to Service Foods. A video about the company was played.

Kathak Dancer and Co-Founder and Director of the Christchurch-based Grandiose- The Creative Company presented the inaugural Kathak dance at the Canterbury Punjabi Association Awards Night in Christchurch on Mary 16, 2024 Photo by Christchurch Punjabi Association (JK Images)

Mr Gordon presented the Lifetime Achievement Award (posthumously) to Ishwar Ganda. Shirish Paranjape received the award on behalf of the Ganda family.

The Media Legend Award was won by Jalsa Fiji Radio, presented by Dr Parmar.

Gurudwara Singh Sabha Christchurch was presented with the Legendary Achievement award by Dr Woods.

The Kiwi Indian Excellence Award was awarded to Thomas Shaji Kurian.

The MCs for the event were Harmanjeet Kaur Rana and Yitesh Sharma.

Vegetarian food, supported by Pub Charity was by the chefs of Venues Otautahi.

Shirish Paranjape is our Christchurch Correspondent.

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