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Business Scholarship date nears

Prime Minister John Key has opened the ‘Prime Minister’s Business Scholarships 2012,’ calling for applications from ambitious executives keen on expanding their international expertise.

Entries for the Scheme opened on June 26, will close on July 31, 2012.

The Scholarships are designed to build business capability and develop skills, particularly in management and international business leadership.

Mr Key said that New Zealand should develop better management skills to get the best out of our workforce and for economic development.

“Better managers mean more productive firms. Getting access to the best knowledge from the world’s best schools benefit our senior executives and the companies to which they would return on completion of their studies,” he said.

Gregory Managh, General Manager (Health Support) at EBOS Group Limited used his scholarship (2010) to study at the Wharton School’s Advanced Management Programme.

“I had an excellent experience in my course at Wharton. I learnt practical lessons and made major international connections that I have brought back to my role. This is a great opportunity for executives and their businesses,” he said.

Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce said the scholarships would bring long-term benefits to New Zealand.

“We are already seeing tangible benefits as the scholars return to their firms. This will only increase as each new tranche complete their courses and return home to help their businesses expand,” he said.

For more information, visit

Source: Export New Zealand, Wellington

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