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Business Centre lifts customer profile

If you are a BNZ customer, you could have a temporary office of your own, complete with video conference, meeting room and other facilities without having to worry about the cost.

The Bank’s new Business Centre at 86 Highbrook Drive in East Tamaki in Manukau City, boasts of the state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none, with an ambience that would set a positive mood for any business transaction.

Business Centre lifts- Phil Roach.jpgBNZ customers from anywhere in the country can utilise the Centre free of cost.

Ethnic Affairs Minister Pansy Wong inaugurated the Centre on September 1, 2010.

Overlooking the sylvan surroundings of yet an unspoilt segment of one of the fastest growing areas in New Zealand, the Business Centre is a facility that commercial banks are increasingly looking at, to offer value added services.

This Centre is a part of BNZ Partners (a division established to service business customers) of BNZ.

From a lounge that can facilitate informal discussions, a board room that can seat up to 30 people and smaller rooms for close-door meetings to a mini-library of books and magazines and a help-yourself coffee counter, this Centre will indubitably lift the Bank’s profile as a customer-friendly institution.

The Highbrook Team, comprising 55 Specialist Partners, also offer expert advice on business, property finance, wealth creation and management and a host of other services to suit small, medium and large enterprises.

Managing Partner Phil Roach said the facility incorporates four other similar services functioning earlier in Penrose, East Tamaki, Auckland Airport and Manukau to create a ‘Super Centre.’

“Businesses in South Auckland are vital to a thriving economy and are poised to see some of the largest growth in New Zealand. Strongly represented in the region are clients from the manufacturing, engineering, importing, exporting and logistics sectors,” he said.

Mr Roach said the Centre provided a better opportunity for BNZ to assist its clients to connect with their business associates, counterparts, suppliers and customers in New Zealand and other parts of the world.

He said the Centre aimed to bring ‘a complete service to the table.”

He said BNZ Partners was poised for expansion and would account for 19 such Centres throughout the country by the end of the year, increasing to 30 by 2012.

“Many businesses prefer not to invest their capital in their offices and technology, but still need facilities for important client or board meetings. BNZ Partners provides such facilities,” Mr Roach said.

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