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Wellington, March 1, 2017
Local Government Minister Anne Tolley has announced the appointment of Brendan Duffy as a temporary member of the Local Government Commission.
Mr Duffy has had a long career in local government having held the roles of Councillor for 10 years, then Mayor of the Horowhenua District Council for 12 years.
He is currently the Deputy Chair of the MidCentral District Health Board. Mr Duffy is also a Justice of the Peace.
Mrs Tolley said that the appointment of Mr Duffy will assist the Commission with its reorganisation work, particularly in the Wairarapa.
“Brendan is a welcome addition to the Commission and I know that his commitment and experience will be extremely valuable,” she said.
Mr Duffy’s appointment will end on February 28, 2018.
The membership of the Local Government Commission currently consists of the Chair, Sir Wira Gardiner, members Janie Annear and Leigh Auton as well as temporary member, Geoff Dangerfield.