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Breathtaking technique improves health

‘Sudarshan Kriya,’ a powerful rhythmic breathing technique that facilitates physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being is an integral part of the Art of Living programmes.

It is today universally acclaimed for its effectiveness in eliminating stress and bringing one completely into the present moment.

Art of Living Foundation Founder-President Sri Ravi Shankar said that ‘Sudarshan Kriya’ came to him like an inspiration to bridge the gap between the worlds of inner silence, and outer expression of life.

“Nature is replete with various rhythms and cycles; day follows night, night follows day; seasons come and go. Similarly, there are biological rhythms to our bodies, minds, and emotions. When these rhythms are in synchronization, we feel a sense of harmony and well-being,” he said.

When stress or illness throws them out of order, we experience discomfort, discontent and feel upset and unhappy.

Purifying practice

Sudarshan Kriya is a purifying practice, whereby one receives a proper vision of one’s true self. This unique breathing practice is a potent energiser.

Every cell becomes fully oxygenated and flooded with new life, bringing a sense of joy in the moment. When we feel good about ourselves, love flows naturally in all our relationships with others.

The breathing pattern of Sudarshan Kriya harmonises the rhythms of the body and emotions, bringing them in tune with the rhythms of nature.

The breath connects the body, and mind.

Just as emotions affect our patterns of breathing, we can bring about changes in our mental and behavioural patterns by altering the rhythms of our breath. It flushes out anger, anxiety and worry; leaving the mind completely relaxed and energized.

The results of the technique, practiced by millions around the world, have surprised the medical fraternity.

Independent medical research has documented the benefits of the technique, including alleviation of depression and heightened awareness and creativity.

Studies have demonstrated significant falls in cortical levels, known as the ‘stress hormone’ among practitioners, suggesting greater levels of relaxation and resilience to stress.

According to an All India Institute of Medical Sciences study, regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya invokes positive emotions, replacing anger, frustration and jealousy. It would also improve the blood cholesterol profile with significant drops in total cholesterol and LDL (harmful cholesterol).

Art of Living programmes cater for age 8 years and above.

For further information on the power of the breath or Art of Living programmes, please contact 0508-278635. Email:

Rozeena Parikh is a senior member of the Art of Living Foundation in New Zealand

Photo :Taking a good breath improves the Art of Living

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