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Brahmarishi Guruvanand creates a spell on devotees

Venkat Raman
Fijians seeking self-realisation and ‘true happiness’ received esteemed enlightenment in the presence of Brahmarishi (also Brahmrishi) Vishvasant Guruvanand, the Spiritual Leader, who simplified Vedanta and philosophy of life for easy assimilation.

The Schedule
The Master of Vedas addressed two public meetings, the first of which was held on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at Girmit Centre in Lautoka (located at Kings Road).

The second meeting was held on March 5, 2020 at the FMF Foods Limited (formerly Flour Mills of Fiji Limited) Gymnasium, located at Laucala Bay Road in Suva.

A cross-section of Fiji’s population attended the discourses, during which the Brahmarishi explained how to lead a meaningful life and more important, sans depression.

Guruvanand had earlier concluded a four-day visit to Auckland which saw more than 1500 people listening to his speeches at Ram Mandir in West Auckland and Bhartiya Mandir in Central Auckland.

Teachings par excellence
To the world that is often misguided with increasing tensions and tendencies towards suicide and homicide, Gurudev’s teachings are palliatives.

Here is a sample: “In the tapestry of life, weave a story that is so inspiring and so meaningful that posterity can say with pride that you were indeed the heir of the ‘Santana Dharma,’ the eternal Dharma of the great Masters of the past. Your thoughts and actions today are indelible links that connect the great shining past and the glorious future unfolding of the Divine Life, of which you are an integral part.”

According to scores of disciples, reciting his name with the Mantra ‘Om Guruvanand Namah,’ provides ‘divine relaxation to the mind.’

“The name of this beautiful mantra itself gives the mission that Guruji wants to fulfil from his inspiring and influential presence, which is Awareness and Peace. I owe my major improvements, success, frame of mind, vision and level of thinking to Guruji,” an Auckland based devotee said.

The Brahmarishi advises people to live a beautiful life- so beautiful that its fragrance eternally permeates and pervades the memory of fellow sojourners in the journey of life.

“You have to shake to take out dirt from a cloth. Similarly, dance and rejoice in front of Mata Rani and take out all your karmas and be happy. Leave all your tensions there and go home fresh with happiness,” he said.

About Brahmarishis
Brahmarishis are revered as sons of God, selfless protectors, persons of the greatest ability, and propagators of the highest human values.

They are Divine Flames dedicating their lives to the cause and welfare of humankind.

They teach in a language understood by common people and consider service to humanity as the greatest religion.
The teachings of Brahmarishi Guruvanand are well founded on tenets of innate goodness of every person, transcending barriers of race, religion, language and other man-made barriers.

He believes that everyone has something to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the human race as a whole.
“Live in the now, do not seek faults in others and improve yourself. Your faith will make heaven come to you. Follow your religion or your God or your own Guru. Believe in him with full devotion. Live with happiness and not for happiness. Happiness is in small things. Love your family and always spread smile,” he says.

Gurudev, the Pacifist
If you were to listen to the speeches of Gurudev, you would instantly like him and his belief that religion is not based on rituals and rites but on love, peace, harmony and understanding among people. He radiates grace and kindness. At each private meetings, many have found answers to questions that have daunted them since long.

The Brahmarishi holds several degrees including M Tech from IIT Kharagpur (equivalent to MIT and Harvard in USA); PhD in Astrology; and Masters in Sanskrit, Vedas, and Jyotish.

He was Honorary Principal and Professor at various academic institutions including Banaras Hindu University. With a background in Science, it is natural that he looks for ways to bring the scientific mentality and the spiritualism in creative dialogue.

With his life transformative spiritual message, he inspires, empowers, keeps people informed and engages them to move forward in their spiritual quest.

The Brahmrishi Ashram situated in Tirupati, is endowed with beauty, tranquillity and peace.

Brahmarishi Vishvasant Guruvanand (Picture from Facebook)

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