Borders opened, time to widen doors and smiles


Venkat Raman
Auckland, March 2, 2022

The hospitality industry is on the road to a revival with quarantine and isolation free travel being allowed by the government. This comes as Omicron peaks in the community, with the hope that it would then reduce its impact.

With New Zealanders and international travellers arriving, the tourism sector can also expect to return to its erstwhile strength but event organisers are still unable to put together conferences, entertainment and other programmes so that there could be an overall revival of the economy. The current Red Settings under the Traffic Lights System of the Covid-19 Protection Network allow only 100 persons (including the organising and catering teams) making it impossible to conduct major events such as those organised by Indian Newslink.

Doors open to the world

The government’s decision to remove self-isolation requirements for vaccinated travellers to New Zealand will also enable Kiwis to come to this country from the rest of the world sooner, Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has said.

All self-isolation requirements for vaccinated travellers entering New Zealand from 11:59 pm tonight (Wednesday 2 March 2022). That means all Kiwis coming home and tourists entering the country will be able to step off the plane and immediately connect with family and friends and enjoy all New Zealand has to offer.

However, all arriving passengers must return a negative, pre-departure test and undertake two Raid Antigen Tests on arrival and Day Five or Six. Managed isolation will remain for unvaccinated New Zealanders, refugees and some community cases as needed.

People with a positive result must report and isolate for the same period as a community case.

Indian Newslink Business Awards

The Thirteenth Annual Indian Newslink Business Awards Ceremony has inevitably been rescheduled to Tuesday, November 29, 2022, from the earlier announced date of March 21, 2022.

Given current restrictions, the Independent Panel of Judges reluctantly advised us to postpone the Business Awards Ceremony to the latter part of the year.

In consultation with the political and business leaders, the Panel of Judges has combined the entries from 2020-2022 from which they will select the winners and runners-up for recognition and applaud at a magnificent Black-Tie Dinner, Entertainment and Awards Ceremony, now scheduled on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, from 5 pm at the Mahatma Gandhi Centre located at 145 New North Road, Eden Terrace in Auckland.

We will continue to update you with developments.

Meanwhile, our latest (March 1, 2022) Digital Edition of Indian Newslink has been published. It contains news, articles and features of interest. Some of them will stimulate discussions, which indeed is the objective of this newspaper.

Please read and share with your associates, family and friends.

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