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Bishops greet Muslims on Ramadan

Staff Reporter – 

The New Zealand Catholic Bishops Committee for Interfaith Relations has greeted the Muslim community on the advent of the Holy Month of Ramadan, which began in New Zealand on Friday, June 19, 2015.

Describing Ramadan as ‘The Most Sacred Month on the Islamic Calendar,’ Committee Members Carlo David said that it is during this time that all members of the Muslim faith commemorate the first revelation of the Holy Quran to the Prophet Mohammed.

Body cleansing

“Although it is a month of fasting when no food or drink is taken between sunrise and sundown, Ramadan is also a time of spiritual reflection, improvement and increased devotion and worship. The Muslim practice of fasting, self-restraint and deep spiritual reflections in this holy month provide the world an insight on the importance of cleansing the body and soul in order to re-focus one’s self and relationship with God.

“Ramadan is a time of conscious and deliberate retreat from worldly activities like consumerism and self-indulgence, something that requires strength of personal character and authentic spiritual commitment.

Spiritual growth

“Catholics share with you a commitment to spiritual growth, self-improvement and solidarity with the human family. In his first Ramadan message, Pope Francis said that the offer of good wishes on the occasion of our neighbour’s religious celebration is a way for us to share their joy. In that fraternal spirit, we look forward to sharing an Iftar meal with you during this holy month and in this sharing, we look forward to deepening our understanding of each other and strengthening our warm relationship,” he said.

Among the other Members of the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Committee for Interfaith Relations are Sister Catherine Jones SMSM (Sisters of the Society of Mary) (Chair), Sharron Cole (Deputy Chair),  Father Kevin Toomey OP, Sister Bertha Hurley SMSM, Dr Mary Eastham, Colin MacLeod, Carlo David, Nick Borthwick, Adele Churchman, Dr Teresa Fernandez.

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