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Birthday of ‘Hugging Mother’ this Saturday in Auckland

Venkat Raman
Auckland, September 25, 2019

Prayers, community service programmes and plans for good deeds would be among the features of the 66th Birthday celebrations of Mata Amritanandamayi in Auckland on Saturday, September 28, 2019.

Her actual Birthday is a day earlier, on September 27.

The Auckland branch of ‘Amma New Zealand’ is organising the event at the Hillsborough Room of the Fickling Convention Centre located at 546 Mount Albert Road, Three Kings.


Open to all with free entry, the Programme will commence at 630 pm and will conclude with a vegetarian dinner.

President Simi Sethu said that the Progamme will include Multifaith Kirtan, the story of ‘Amma’ and how she has embraced the world and inspiring incidents and her compassion for the poor in India and rest of the world.

“As well as sale of baked items in aid of our ‘School Breakfast Programme, the event will comprise cultural programmes and the ‘Garba,’ in keeping with ‘Navratri Celebrations’ commencing on Sunday, September 29, 2019. Amma’s Birthday observance is a fitting tribute to the Nine Nights of Celebrations by and for women,” she said.

Mata Amritanandmayi Devi during her visit to Tokyo, Japan on July 24, 2019 (From Facebook)

Amma’s Visit to New Zealand

In August 2007, when we attended a simple ceremony to mark the establishment of ‘Amma New Zealand,’ those gathered said that their ardent desire was to see their Spiritual Leader in this country in the ‘foreseeable future.’

“Let us commit ourselves to community service and spread the love and blessings of ‘Amma.’ Help us to progress as an organisation and deserve her visit,” they said.

Twelve years on, that desire remains unfulfilled, giving credence to the belief that ‘Nothing happens unless ordained and until the appropriate time arrives.’

The desire and appeal was reiterated to Brahmacharya Shraddhamrita Chaitanya, one of the monks close to Amma during his visit to Auckland in February last year.

 “Amma has been inquiring about the activities the Organisation in New Zealand. I am sure that she will someday fulfil the desire of members and volunteers,” he Indian Newslink.

About Mata Amritanandmayi Devi

Everyone may not accept her as a Deity to worship, but to millions of people around the world, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is ‘Amma’ or Mother, whose love, care, affection and compassion transcend religions, faiths and ethnicities.

People afflicted by physical ailments, disabilities, mental depression and a host of other problems would be at huge gatherings in villages, towns and cities, hoping that Amma would set her eyes upon them. Invariably she would do so and with a single smile and embrace, cure them of their afflictions.

The Hugging Mother receives an Honorary Doctorate in ‘Humane Letters’ from the State University of New York, Buffalo on May 25, 2019 (Pictures from

More than the proverbial Midas touch, her compassion heals people. It is little wonder that their initial awe and admiration make them a follower and soon they begin to consider her as a Supreme Being, worthy of worship.

She is a recipient of several Awards and Citations from various academic institutions and organisations worldwide.

Consoling and helping the distressed and sufferers has been the wont of Mata Amritanandmayi Devi since her younger years (Picture from

Source of endearment

With her charming smile and humility, ‘Amma’ has endeared herself to millions of people around the world, starting from her native ‘Parayakadavu,’ a village in the Quilon district in the South Indian state of Kerala, where she was born on September 27, 1953 and named ‘Sudhamani.’

Even as a child, she displayed a distinct compassion towards the poor, the needy and the downtrodden and wanted to do her best to alleviate their pain and suffering.

She was also known for her famous hug that cured people of stress, illnesses and suffering and was affectionately called, ‘The Hugging Mother.’

Amma’s following is said to be growing in New Zealand and each year her Birthday celebrations witnesses increasing number of people dedicated to spreading her concept of social service and community care.

Ms Sethu said that since its establishment in 2007, Amma New Zealand has been actively spreading her teachings to the communities in the country.

“Among our activities are conducted regular spiritual meetings including Meditation, Satsang and Kirtans; organising fundraising programmes to support Amma’s humanitarian activities and organising community services such as flood donation, feeding the homeless and tree plantation,” she said.

“We are trying our best to bring Amma to New Zealand and to provide you with this unusual heart filling experience. We appeal to people to support us by filling up the form available on our website,” Ms Sethu said.

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