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Best Small Business

This Award recognises a successful small business, classified as having up to 10 full-time employees.

The Finalists were:

Focus Hair, Beauty and Nails

1. Global Financial Services

2. Ranchhod Group

3. Total Holiday Options

The Winner: Global Financial Services

Judges’ Comments:

The judges were impressed with Global Financial Services and its financial results showed the Company had a high performing business, operating well above the industry average. Managing Director Ajay Kumar is the highly respected driver of this business, with a clear focus on target customer base and a commitment to providing a professional service.

Global Financial Services has a strong planning process with one-year and five-year plans, annually updated. The Company also has a strong desire to ensure staff are passionately involved in the business and expects them to suggest changes or improvements to the business.

It takes follow-up to ensure that change occurs.

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