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Bengali play enthuses self-confidence

Bengali play-Amit Saha  Tapas Mandal.jpgThe fact that self-confidence breeds self-determination, leading to success in any venture, will be highlighted as a Bengali play takes to the stage next fortnight.

Bhabna New Zealand Inc, an Auckland based theatre group will present Musthijog at the Playhouse Theatre in Glen Eden on August 1.

Benglai playwright Mohit Chattopadhyay has penned the script to make even the weakest of weaklings to seek a change in mind-shift and get on with life.

Director Tapas Mandal said everyone should realise that he or she has a role to play in this world.

“No one is really weak. Weakness is a state of mind. In some cases, it is temporary and in others, it is deep-rooted, difficult to get rid of. But once the weakling realises that the courage to take up a strong is actually inherent, then the metamorphosis takes place.

“The coward gets transformed into a fighter and wins the battle with a knockout punch. Musthijog brings out this reality,” he said.

Seventy-six-year old poet-turned dramatist Chattopadhyay wrote more than 60 plays, each with a theme that drove into the heart of the society. Since its debut in 1994, Musthijog has appeared in most parts of the world where Bengali theatre lovers live.

Abhishek Bhalla, Ajanta Saha, Amit Saha, Anushree Dutta, Joydeep Chatterjee, Kuhelika Maity, Santanu Ghosh, Santanu Roy, Sameer Dutta, Sontu Nath, Sunit and Tapas Mandal are in the cast. Among the others involved are Santanu Ghosh (Stage Décor) and Sarmistha Sarkar (Music).

What: Musthijog, a play by Mohit Chattopadhyay

By Whom: Bhabna New Zealand Inc

Where: Playhouse Theatre, 15 Glendale Road, Glen Eden

When: Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 530 pm

Contact: Tapas Mandal (09) 8200734;

Amit Saha (09) 6266220; Jhulon Maity (09) 8452989

Krishnendu Majumdar (09) 9503216

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