Bainimarama calls for a decent election campaign

Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama speaking in Parliament on November 29, 2021 (Fiji Sun Photo)

Staff Reporter
Suva, November 30, 2021

In the lead up to the general election 2022, Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama has urged politicians to note the warning of President Wiliame Katonivere against the Politics of Pettiness and be civil and honest in their campaigns.

Mr Bainimarama said that he was encouraged, inspired and admonished by the speech made by the President in Parliament.

Replying to the address, Mr Bainimarama said that politicians will be mounting vigorous campaigns to win the vote of every Fijian next year.

No personal attacks, please

“Elections often bring about criticism and attacks. I believe that all of us have been guilty at one time or another of going too far, of saying things we should not have said or could have said better. Politicians can criticise each other’s positions without misrepresenting them and not personalising matters. Attacking the family and friends of opponents, or worse, using ordinary Fijians as pawns for political ascendency should be avoided,” he said.

Mr Bainimarama said that politicians can be held to account and criticised with facts but should stay within limits to propriety and decency.

“We should point out our differences without demonising each other,” he said and asked, “Is it not better that we adhere to decency, to the truth, and to a genuine battle of ideas rather than sink to the depths of discourse to win votes at any cost?”

Mr Bainimarama said that people of Fiji deserve better;, they deserve facts and real policies backed by real budgets to help them make informed decisions on who best to lead them.

“That is what they will continue to get from my government. We have has worked hard to confront the major issues and solve the major problems this country faces.”

He said that his government has implemented many reforms for the upliftment of disadvantaged Fijians and reduce disparities between rural and urban communities.

The onset of Omicron

On the newly-reported Omicron, a Covid-19 variant, Mr Bainimarama said that Fiji has made conditions of entry more stringent for countries on its Red List and said that everyone in Fiji should remain serious and vigilant and be safe.

This means getting unvaccinated Fijians to take the jab, he said.

“I am concerned that some communities in the Ra to Rewa corridor, which include pockets of Ra, Tailevu, Naitasiri and parts of Rewa along with a few villages in the Yasawas have very low vaccination rates.

“For their health and the good of the country, I urge those people to get vaccinated. We have to capitalize on the reopening of our borders to create momentum that will propel us to greater growth in 2023 and 2024 and beyond. I urge businesses in our tourism industry to heed the President’s advice and be a cost-competitive destination,” he said.

Boosting tourism

Mr Bainimarama said that the ensuing months would be critical since Fiji will be competing fiercely for its regional and global market share and can take nothing for granted.

“We must fight for every tourist dollar. I know that we will succeed. We have done great things together. My government is the same government that led Fiji to its longest stretch of economic growth ever. We will be the government that leads us to our strongest recovery ever. That is not a boast, it is a promise,” he said.

“We have the leadership, expertise, and the credentials to guide a strong recovery – and the Fijian people have the will, ingenuity, diligence, and now the confidence, to build a strong post-pandemic economy,” he added.

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