Australian Varsities attract Kiwis with lower fees and better prospects

The University of Cambridge, which was established in 1209, formed the ‘Local Examinations Syndicate’ more than 160 years ago (Image from Cambridge Website)

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Cambridge, New Zealand, October 22, 2024

The International Education Group at Cambridge University Press & Assessment (Cambridge) has released new data from its Annual Destination Survey.

It shows New Zealand is the seventh most popular University destination among students who studied Cambridge International AS & A Levels (domestic and international students combined). Globally, 51% of students went to domestic Universities and 41% went abroad.

There are more than 10,000 Cambridge Schools in over 160 countries worldwide.

A subset of these responded to the survey and data was gathered from 372 Cambridge Schools with a combined student cohort of approximately 20,582 students.

Twelve Cambridge Schools in New Zealand responded and the top three University destination countries for their students were New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.

Comments from survey respondents noted an increase in the number of students from New Zealand choosing to study in Australia, mainly because New Zealand citizens pay domestic fees.

About 92% of students from Schools who responded progressed to University in 2023 (vs 95% in 2022): 41% of the 2023 cohort went to University outside their own country (vs 47% in 2022). New Zealand, Malaysia and Indonesia were the top three destinations for the Southeast Asia and Pacific region chosen largely by domestic students reflecting mostly in-country progression to University by domestic students.

The Survey results reflect the economic challenges and geopolitical changes: New Zealand at Cambridge Senior Country Manager Kathleen Lloyd-Parker (Photo Supplied)

The Top Five Subjects

The top five subjects for which students from Cambridge Schools in New Zealand applied to study at the University were: Engineering, Medicine, Law, Accounting & Finance, and Economics.

New Zealand at Cambridge Senior Country Manager Kathleen Lloyd-Parker said that student decision-making on University destinations and subjects broadly reflects ongoing economic, technological and geopolitical changes in the world.

“The vast majority of students studying the Cambridge curriculum globally continue to go on to University, with strong attendance at the top 500 ranked universities. New Zealand remains one of the preferred destinations overall,” she said.

About 66% of the students from Cambridge Schools who completed the survey went on to attend a top 500-ranked University (vs 61% in 2022).

The top five destinations for students globally were University College London, University of Toronto, University of Manchester, University of Melbourne, Monash University and University of Sydney.

A world of opportunities

Recent reporting of its 2023 Year 13 leavers’ University destinations by Cambridge School ACG Parnell in Auckland parallels findings from the Cambridge Destination Survey:  About 43% of the School’s 2023 Year 13 leavers are going to overseas universities, highlighting considerable growth in students choosing to study abroad and gaining entry to top universities around the world.

Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom are proving to be the most popular destinations, with the United States showing the most growth (more students are accepting United States offers over United Kingdom offers despite more applications to the United Kingdom). About 14% of leavers will go to United States Universities, with a record number of offers from Ivy League universities; with students taking up places at Cornell, Columbia, Princeton and Yale.

Students choosing to study in Australia are going to the University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, Monash University and The Australian National University. United Kingdom destinations include the University of Manchester, Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford and London School of Economics and Political Sciences.

There were two offers directly into medicine at King’s College London. All art students were accepted into the University of the Arts London in the United Kingdom.

“Our students continue to perform exceptionally well.”-ACG Parnell Principal Damian Watson

ACG Parnell Principal Damian Watson said, “Our students continue to perform exceptionally well, and we are proud of their efforts as they strive to achieve their personal best. Gaining strong results in Cambridge examinations, combined with involvement in the extra-curricular and leadership opportunities on offer at ACG Parnell, certainly opens doors for our students to pursue their dreams either in New Zealand or abroad. They have proven that they can perform at the highest level in internationally-recognised exams which provides confidence that they will continue to excel with their tertiary studies wherever they choose to go.”

Jessica Liu, a former student of ACG Sunderland is in her first year at the University of Sydney. She was attracted to the University because of the structure of the medicine program and the flexibility it offered to focus on her passion for music.

“The undergraduate part is a Bachelor of Science, which I find much more relaxing than getting straight into medical School; that way I can free up more time to also focus on my classical guitar. A big reason why I came here is because of the classical guitar professor working at the Conservatorium who I admire. I am enjoying my studies a lot since I have picked units that interest me,” she said.

As for why she chose to pursue medicine, she said, “I grew up with bad eczema and allergies, so I remember being surrounded with warmth and care from all the nurses who took care of me since I was little. I want to help others so I hope to return to New Zealand after specialising in dermatology if I can, or as a GP.”

Watch leading University admissions tutors share their thoughts on Cambridge students here.

About Cambridge

Cambridge International Education is the awarding body of the International Education Group at Cambridge University Press & Assessment, part of the University of Cambridge. The Group works with Schools worldwide to build an education that shapes knowledge, understanding and skills. It gives learners the confidence they need to thrive and positively impact a changing world.

The Group offers a globally trusted and flexible framework for education from age 3 to 19 (the Cambridge Pathway), informed by research, experience, and listening to educators.

With recognised qualifications (such as Cambridge IGCSE and International AS & A Level), high-quality resources, comprehensive support and valuable insights, the Group helps Schools prepare every student for the opportunities and challenges ahead.


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